1. UK Finance mortgage lenders' handbook for conveyancers
  2. Solar panels and the Lenders' Handbook

Solar panels and the Lenders' Handbook

England and Wales

Most lenders’ mortgage conditions will require the lender’s consent to be obtained to any lease.This includes a lease of roof space for  solar panels.

Lenders’ requirements for leases to roof space are set out in clause 5.20 of UK Finance Mortgage Lenders' Handbook for England and Wales in both parts 1 and 2. Conveyancers, solar panel providers and home owners should refer to these requirements in the Lenders' Handbook.

Lenders who use the Handbook have a set of minimum requirements (pdf) and their own additional requirements which are set out in part 2. The minimum requirements include a template letter (pdf).

Northern Ireland

Because of the different legal jurisdiction Northern Ireland has its own set of minimum requirements (pdf) and template letter (pdf)

Conveyancers, solar panel providers and conveyancers should refer to clause 5.14 in parts 1 and 2 of the Handbook for Northern Ireland. In Northern Ireland a lease of roof space is not acceptable to lenders. A lease of rights is required.   


At present there is no guidance for Scotland.