Answers for England and Wales

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Question: 7.3. Does the lender require a consent to mortgage from all occupants aged 17 or over?

Lender Answer
Accord Buy to Let Where the loan is explicitly identified in the Mortgage Offer as a Buy to Let purchase or remortgage, we will not require a consent to mortgage but we do require compliance with our tenancy conditions. One of these conditions is that a letting to a member of the borrower's family is not permitted.
Accord Mortgages Ltd Yes - the consent is incorporated within Accord Mortgages' mortgage deed (ACCL 0002).

Where the loan is explicitly identified in the Mortgage Offer as a Buy to Let purchase or remortgage, we will not require a consent to mortgage but we do require compliance with our tenancy conditions.
Adam & Company Yes. You should also provide details of any other rights in the property. These must be provided prior to completion as we may not wish to proceed.

Adam & Company International Yes. You should also provide details of any other rights in the property. These must be provided prior to completion as we may not wish to proceed.

Ahli United Bank (UK) plc Yes
Aldermore Bank PLC Yes (on our standard form), unless the mortgage offer states the loan is on a buy to let basis.
If the mortgage is a buy to let mortgage and the property will be tenanted at completion you should ensure that an appropriate Tenancy agreement ( as per 6.6.3) is in place and that our interest in the property takes priority to that of any other person.
Homes for Ukraine Scheme: a Letter of Consent and Postponement by Deed is not required for any occupant/s who will be resident in the property under this scheme and you are not required to notify us that the customer is or intends to participate as a sponsor in this scheme.
Allied Irish Bank (GB), a trading name of AIB Group (UK) Yes
April Mortgages Yes however this dos not need to be sent to April Mortgages.
Atom Bank plc Yes, this should be executed by the conveyancer and stored with the deeds to the property

A letter of consent is not required for:-
• full time students living away from home; and

A letter of consent will be required for:-
• any occupants aged 17 and over; and
• any occupant who has turned 17 after the legal charge has been signed, at the time additional borrowing is being taken; and
• anyone who may have a financial interest in the property.
Aviva Equity Release UK Ltd You are only required to obtain an Occupier’s Deed of Consent for any non-owning occupier if this requirement is detailed in the special conditions of the Lifetime Mortgage Offer. Each occupier must receive separate independent legal advice from a solicitor, Chartered Legal Executive or Licensed Conveyancer in a different firm to the Borrower’s solicitor. The Occupiers Deed of Consent must be witnessed by the solicitor providing the advice. Married couples and civil partners must be joint borrowers and joint owners of the Property.
It is acceptable for occupiers to obtain remote advice and then get a layman who is in the presence of the signing person to witness the document.
Bank of China Yes a Deed of Postponement will be required and you should also provide details of any other rights in the property. These must be provided prior to completion as we may not wish to proceed.
Bank of Ireland (UK) plc Yes, save in cases where the borrower has received a Buy to Let Offer and there is an assured shorthold tenant in the property. In such cases, we will not require the assured shorthold tenant to sign a consent to mortgage.
Bank of Ireland as Bank of Ireland Mortgages Yes, save in cases where the borrower has received a Buy to Let Offer and there is an assured shorthold tenant in the property. In such cases, we will not require the assured shorthold tenant to sign a consent to mortgage.
Bank of Scotland Beginning A Yes. The exceptions to this are: any sons or daughters of the borrower, or any sons or daughters of someone living with the borrower, who are over 17; and (where the mortgage is a buy to let one) any occupants who are tenants who have signed an Assured Shorthold Tenancy.
Bank of Scotland Beginning O Yes. The exceptions to this are:any sons or daughters of the borrower, or any sons or daughters of someone living with the borrower, who are over 17; and(where the mortgage is a buy to let one) any occupants who are tenants who have signed an Assured Shorthold Tenancy
Bank of Scotland Private Banking  
Barclays Bank UK PLC Yes
Barnsley Building Soc, a trading name Yorkshire Building Soc Yes - the consent is incorporated within the Society's Mortgage Deed (BBSL 0002).
Better HomeOwnership (Mortgages) Yes
Birmingham Bank N/A
Birmingham Midshires Yes, except any sons or daughters of the borrower, or any sons or daughters of someone living with the borrower, who are over 17.
Bluestone Mortgages Yes.
Bradford & Bingley Limited Yes
Britannia, a trading name of The Co-operative Bank plc Yes, please use our standard "Occupier(s) Consent to Mortgage" form on the reverse of the Mortgage Deed
Buckinghamshire Building Society Yes. Our standard consent form will be sent with the mortgage offer.
Chelsea Building Society (a trading name of Yorkshire BS) Yes - the consent is incorporated within our mortgage deed (CHEL 0002)
CHL Mortgages No. For Buy-to-let mortgages the only persons permitted to be in occupation on or after Completion should be tenants who have signed an acceptable Tenancy Agreement.
Clydesdale Bank plc Yes.
Co-operative Bank plc Yes. Please enquire of the borrower(s) and obtain full details and consent from all such occupiers.
Coutts Yes. You should also provide details of any other rights in the property. These must be provided prior to completion as we may not wish to proceed.
Coutts Finance Co Yes. You should also provide details of any other rights in the property. These must be provided prior to completion as we may not wish to proceed.
Coventry Building Society Yes
Cynergy Bank Yes.
Danske Bank Yes.

If we are aware of the identity of any person(s) (other than the borrower(s)) who will be occupying the property after completion of the mortgage then such person(s) will be listed in the special conditions of the mortgage offer and you should refer to the special conditions for further instruction.

You should also ask the borrower(s) for confirmation that the information, if any, about occupants given in our special conditions is correct. If it comes to your attention that any person aged 17 or over (other than the borrower(s)) will be in occupation of the property after completion of our mortgage or that any other person has or may have a legal or equitable or financial interest in the property and as such if they are not listed in the special conditions then you must inform us immediately.
Darlington Building Society Yes, prior to completion.
DB UK Bank Ltd Yes
Dudley Building Society Yes
Ecology Building Society For all occupants:
• over the age 17 (except children of the borrower in full time education)
• With a financial interest in the property but not named on the mortgage.

The occupier’s consent within the mortgage deed must be signed in the presence of the acting solicitor. This is an offer condition.
Family Building Soc (a trading name of National Counties BS) Yes, prior to completion.
First Direct A letter of consent is not required for full time students living away from home. A letter of consent will be required for:-

a) any occupants who will be aged 17 or over at the date of completion;

b) anyone who may have a financial interest in the property.

Homes for Ukraine Scheme: a Letter of Consent and Postponement by Deed is not required for any occupant/s who will be resident in the property under this scheme and you are not required to notify us that the customer is or intends to participate as a sponsor in this scheme.

England only: We would recommend that the model agreements are used in accordance with government guidance (see GOV.UK website) but we do not require copies of these agreements.

Customers should be directed to the first direct web site for the most up to date requirements on the Home for Ukraine Scheme.
Fleet Mortgages You are referred to the terms of the mortgage offer. The only persons permitted to be in occupation are those who are occupying the property in accordance with the terms of the mortgage offer and the mortgage conditions.
Foundation Home Loans Yes, our deed of consent form must be completed by all occupants aged 17 or over or anyone who may have a financial interest in the property.
If the mortgage is a buy to let mortgage and the property will be tenanted at completion you should ensure that an Assured Shorthold Tenancy or a Standard Occupation Contract is in place and that our interest in the property takes priority to that of any other person.
Furness Building Society Yes.
GE Money Home Lending Ltd GE Money Home Lending has withdrawn from the UK mortgage market.
Gen H Consents are required from all occupants of the property aged 17 years and over. Our form of Deed of Consent and Postponement (Occupier's Consent / Occupiers Waiver Form) is available on the LMS portal. A signed and dated copy must be provided to us prior to submission of the Certificate of Title.

In instances where our mortgage offer conditions stipulate that we require the occupier to obtain Independent Legal Advice (ILA), we will provide the relevant documentation for this directly to the solicitor acting for the occupier in order for the ILA to be given.
Godiva Mortgages Ltd Yes.
Habito Yes - we have provided an occupiers Deed with the offer pack
Halifax Yes, except any sons or daughters of the borrower, or any sons or daughters of someone living with the borrower, who are over 17.
Halifax Loans Ltd Yes, except any sons or daughters of the borrower, or any sons or daughters living with the borrower, who are over 17.
Hampden & Co. plc Yes and consent should be in the Bank's standard form. Please refer to our 'Separate Instructions'.
You should also provide details of any other rights in the property. These must be provided prior to completion as we may not wish to proceed.
Handelsbanken Yes, save for any children of the borrower in full time education living away from home.
Harpenden Building Society Yes
Hinckley and Rugby Building Society Yes, a copy must be sent to Principal Ofice, Mortgage Department, Advances Section as soon as the signed document has been received and the original must be sent with the title documents.
Hodge Yes
Hodge Equity Release Yes
Holmesdale Building Society Yes.
HSBC UK Bank plc A letter of consent is not required for full time students living away from home. A letter of consent will be required for:-

a) any occupants aged 17 years or over;

b) anyone who may have a financial interest in the property.

Homes for Ukraine Scheme: a Letter of Consent and Postponement by Deed is not required for any occupant/s who will be resident in the property under this scheme and you are not required to notify us that the customer is or intends to participate as a sponsor in this scheme.

England only: We would recommend that the model agreements are used in accordance with government guidance (see GOV.UK website) but we do not require copies of these agreements.

Customers should be directed to the HSBC web site for the most up to date requirements on the Home for Ukraine Scheme.

Intelligent Finance Yes, except any sons or daughters of the borrower, or any sons or daughters of someone living with the borrower, who are over 17.
Investec Bank plc Yes. You should also provide details of any other rights in the property. These must be provided prior to completion as we may not wish to proceed.
ITL Mortgages Yes
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Yes, please enquire of the Borrower(s) and obtain full details and consent from all occupiers.
Kensington Mortgage Company Ltd Yes (on our standard form) unless the offer states otherwise. The original Occupier’s Deed of Consent is required. To be forwarded to: Deeds Administration, Kensington Mortgage Company Ltd, PO Box 4760, Maidenhead, SL60 1HU following completion.
Kent Reliance (a trading name of OneSavings Bank plc) Yes, unless the mortgage is expressed to be a Buy to Let arrangement.
Keystone Property Finance The mortgage is a buy to let mortgage and the property will be tenanted at completion you should ensure that an Assured Shorthold Tenancy is in place and that our interest in the property takes priority to that of any other person
Landbay Partners Limited We will only make an advance on a buy-to-let basis. Therefore, the residential status can only be as a tenant. This is clearly detailed in our mortgage offer (including the conditions).
Landmark Mortgages Limited Our pro-forma must be used and sent direct to the occupier. Under no circumstances should the form be sent to the borrower.

You must advise us of any situation where you believe that the pro-forma will not adequately protect our interest in the property.
Leeds Building Society Yes. The Society's Standard Declaration by Occupier form must be used in all circumstances other than where the loan is a Limited Company Buy to Let purchase or remortgage, in which case we will not require a consent to mortgage but we do require the borrower to comply with our tenancy conditions. For Limited Company Buy to Let, you must ensure that any tenancy agreement must be in a form normally used for residential agreements and must contain no terms which adversely affect our interest as mortgagee.
Legal & General Home Finance Ltd Yes.
LendInvest Yes, our deed of consent form must be completed by all occupants aged 17 or over or anyone who may have a financial interest in the property.
If the mortgage is a buy to let mortgage and the property will be tenanted at completion you should ensure that an Assured Shorthold Tenancy is in place and that our interest in the property takes priority to that of any other person.
LiveMore Capital You must obtain a signed LiveMore standard form of consent from all occupants aged 17 or over of whom you are aware are not a party to the mortgage before completion of the mortgage. This document must be submitted to us with the Certificate of Title.
Lloyds Bank plc pre fixed 20/40 Yes, except any children of the borrower or children of someone living with the borrower.
Lloyds Bank plc pre fixed 50/30/77 Yes
Lloyds TSB Scotland plc Yes
M&S Bank A letter of consent is required for:
a) any occupants aged 17 or over
b) an occupant who has turned 17 after the legal charge has been signed, at the time additional borrowing is being taken
c) when the customer is a borrower but not a depositor
d) anyone who may have a financial interest in the property

A letter of consent is not required for:
a) full time students living away from home
Magellan Homeloans Yes, our deed of consent form must be completed by all occupants aged 17 or over.
Manchester Building Society Yes.
Market Harborough Building Society Yes
Masthaven Bank Yes.
Metro Bank plc Yes and you should retain a copy on file
ModaMortgages Not applicable as we currently specialise in buy-to-let lending only.
Molo Finance Regulated Home Loans - consents are required from all occupants of the property aged 17 years and over unless they are named on the mortgage agreement.

Buy to Let Loans - we do not require consent to mortgage but we do require compliance with our tenancy conditions. One of these conditions is that a letting to a member of the borrower’s family is not permitted.
Monmouthshire Building Society Yes.
Mortgage Agency Services Yes - use our standard form Deed of Consent
Mortgage Express Yes
Mortgage Express No 2  
MPowered Mortgages If the mortgage is a buy to let mortgage then not required.
If the mortgage is an owner occupier residential mortgage then it will be required.
National Counties Building Society Yes, prior to completion.
National Westminster Bank plc Consents are required from all occupants of the property aged 17 years and over, except children of the Borrower under the age of 26 years. For a Lifetime Mortgage, spouses and civil partners must be joint owners and joint mortgagors.
If our mortgage instruction letter is dated on or after 02 March 2011 the Deed of Consent and Postponement now forms part of the new Mortgage Deed (which incorporates the Mortgage Terms 2011) and should be completed before the Mortgage Deed is sent to the Land Registry.

Offset Flexible Mortgage- consent forms for use have been provided with your instructions and where appropriate should be returned to us after completion.
Nationwide Building Society Yes
Mortgage Deed incorporates our consent form see 14.2.1 (Part 2)
Nedbank Private Wealth Ltd Yes - we will provide a deed of postponement.
New Street Mortgages Yes, via our standard form
NRAM Ltd Our pro-forma must be used and sent direct to the occupier. Under no circumstances should the form be sent to the borrower.

You must advise us of any situation where you believe that the pro-forma will not adequately protect our interest in the property.
Paragon Buy to Let Mortgages We only provide funding for buy to let properties. The only persons permitted to be in occupation on or after completion of our loan are those who meet our criteria on letting specified in our Mortgage Conditions, General and Special Conditions and offer.
Paragon Residential Owner-Occupied Mortgages Yes. Please see our standard deed of consent.
Paratus AMC Ltd Yes, our deed of consent form must be completed by all occupants aged 17 or over or anyone who may have a financial interest in the property.
If the mortgage is a buy to let mortgage and the property will be tenanted at completion you should ensure that an Assured Shorthold Tenancy is in place and that our interest in the property takes priority to that of any other person.
Parity Trust Yes
Pepper Money Yes, unless the mortgage is a buy-to-let mortgage, Pepper Money will require a consent to mortgage from all occupants aged 17 or over. Please use our standard form deed of consent which is included in the offer pack and, after completion, send this to Pepper Money, Servicing Department, Harman House, 1 George Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1QQ
Pepper Money (PUK) Yes, unless the mortgage is a buy-to-let mortgage, Pepper Money will require a consent to mortgage from all occupants aged 17 or over. Please use our standard form deed of consent and, after completion, send this to Pepper Money, Servicing Department, Harman House, 1 George Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1QQ
Perenna Yes, an Occupiers Consent Form is required and will be available from the Lender Exchange document section in Perenna’s standard form.
Platform (a trading name of The Co-operative Bank p.l.c.) Yes, please enquire of the Borrower(s) and obtain full details and consent from all occupiers.
Precise Mortgages (Charter Court Financial Services Ltd) Yes, use our standard form, unless this is a Buy to Let application, All forms are required to be sent in after completion to the Mortgage Servicing Team at PO Box 6075 , Wolverhampton, WV10 6TD.
Principality Building Society Yes ? Mortgage Deed incorporates the Consent Form. You must advise us of any situation where you believe that the pro-forma will not adequately protect our interest in the property.
Reliance Bank Ltd Yes Bank issues own Waiver documents & ILA required
Rooftop Mortgages Ltd Yes unless the mortgage offer staes that the loan is on a Buy to Let basis and the occupants are subject to an Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement.
Saffron Building Society Yes - our standard form is included with the mortgage offer
Sainsbury's Bank Yes, unless the occupier is a child/stepchild of the borrower or is aged between 17 and 25 and in full time education at the time of the loan/additional borrowing completes.
Santander UK plc Yes.
Scottish Building Society Yes.
Scottish Widows Bank Yes.
Secure Trust Bank PLC Yes (on our relevant standard form) unless the Mortgage Offer states that the loan is on a buy to let basis. Please note that we will allow some occupiers (adult children/step–children of the applicant) to elect to proceed without obtaining independent legal advice and there is a different standard form for these cases. Please see the special conditions of the Mortgage Offer for more information.
Skipton Building Society Requirements apply where there is only one borrower.
See the mortgage offer for those requirements (and the documents to be used) on occupiers known to us.
You should report the existence of any other intended occupiers aged 17 or over not named in the mortgage offer to our Completions Team via LMS Secure Link so that we may confirm our requirements.
St James Place Bank Yes, except any sons or daughters of the borrower, or any sons or daughters of someone living with the borrower, who are over 17.
State Bank of India UK N/A ? we only lend on buy-to-let property.
Swansea Building Society Yes
The Mortgage Business Yes
The Mortgage Lender Limited Yes on residential (owner occupied) mortgages our completed deed of consent form is required

This is not required for Buy to Let Mortgages
The Mortgage Works No, as this is a BTL mortgage.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Consents are required from all occupants of the property aged 17 years and over, except children of the Borrower under the age of 26 years. For a Lifetime Mortgage, spouses and civil partners must be joint owners and joint mortgagors.
If our mortgage instruction letter is dated on or after 02 March 2011 the Deed of Consent and Postponement now forms part of the new Mortgage Deed (which incorporates the Mortgage Terms 2011) and should be completed before the Mortgage Deed is sent to the Land Registry.

Offset Flexible Mortgage - consent forms for use have been provided with your instructions and where appropriate should be returned to us after completion.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Direct Line Mortgages Consents are required from all occupants of the property aged 17 years and over except children of the Borrower under the age of 26 years.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Direct Line One No - consents are not required for children of the Borrower under the age of 26 who have no legal interest in the policy. However consents are required for all other occupants aged 17 or over.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc First Active Consents are required from all occupants of the property aged 17 years and over, except children of the Borrower under the age of 26 years.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Natwest one Account No - consents are not required for children of the Borrower under the age of 26 who have no legal interest in the policy. However consents are required for all other occupants aged 17 or over.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc One Account No - consents are not required for children of the Borrower under the age of 26 who have no legal interest in the policy. However consents are required for all other occupants aged 17 or over.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Virgin One No - consents are not required for children of the Borrower under the age of 26 who have no legal interest in the policy. However consents are required for all other occupants aged 17 or over.
The Tipton & Coseley Building Society Yes.
Together Personal Finance Limited Yes.
Topaz Finance Ltd Yes.
TSB Bank plc Yes
Ulster Bank Consents are required from all occupants of the property aged 17 years and over, except children of the Borrower under the age of 26 years. For a Lifetime Mortgage, spouses and civil partners must be joint owners and joint mortgagors.
If our mortgage instruction letter is dated on or after 02 March 2011 the Deed of Consent and Postponement now forms part of the new Mortgage Deed (which incorporates the Mortgage Terms 2011) and should be completed before the Mortgage Deed is sent to the Land Registry.
If our mortgage instruction letter is dated before 02 March 2011 then please continue to complete the separate Deed of Consent and Postponement held on our conveyancer website. This document should be returned to us on completion of the mortgage.
Vida Homeloans Yes. As 1.11a (on our standard form) unless the offer states otherwise.
Virgin Money Yes, our standard Letter of Consent and Postponement must be signed by the occupier. The letter must be sent direct to the occupier. Please, don't send it to the borrower.

If you believe our standard Letter of Consent and Postponement won't protect us, you must let us know.
Whistletree (a trading name of TSB Bank plc) Our pro-forma must be used and sent direct to the occupier. Under no circumstances should the form be sent to the borrower.

You must advise us of any situation where you believe that the pro-forma will not adequately protect our interest in the property.
Yorkshire Bank Home Loans Ltd Yes.
Yorkshire Building Society Yes - the consent is incorporated within the Society's Mortgage Deed (LF 0002).
Zephyr Homeloans No