Answers for England and Wales

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Question: 14.2.2. Which documents must I send after completion?

Lender Answer
Accord Buy to Let Official copy of the register entries, any filed plan and either the original or a certified copy of the completed mortgage deed.
Accord Mortgages Ltd Official copy of the register entries, any filed plan and either the original or a certified copy of the completed mortgage deed.
Adam & Company Official copy(ies) of the Register, the original mortgage deed(s) and other relevant title deeds, and those mentioned herein including any guarantee(s) referred to in the valuation / specialist report.

Adam & Company International Official copy(ies) of the Register, the original mortgage deed(s) and other relevant title deeds, and those mentioned herein including any guarantee(s) referred to in the valuation / specialist report.

Ahli United Bank (UK) plc Charge Certificate (with Mortgage Deed)
Where applicable:
Occupier?s Waiver (Consent and Undertaking).
Receipted copy of notice of mortgage to landlord.
Rental assignment.
Powers of Attorney.
NHBC or equivalent documentation.
Title Indemnity.
Management Company Share Certificate.
Signed blank stock transfer form.
Any and all other documents necessary to support the title.
Completion statement
Aldermore Bank PLC Copy Title Information Document (TID)

And where applicable:
Amended (if applicable)Articles of Association -Notwithstanding the Bank’s solicitors’ obligations to review the articles of association for all limited company borrowers, if this mortgage is to a sole director company borrower incorporating Model Articles of Association, the Bank’s solicitors must review, and amend as necessary pre-completion, the Model Articles of Association to ensure these comply with any current interpretation and applicable case law.
Original Occupier’s Deed of Consent form
Copy Notice to landlord form
Original Certificate of Independent Advice form
Original (or copy) Architects certificate
Copy indemnity policy documents
Original Fixed & Floating Charge (with Companies House Certificate of registration)
Original Personal or Corporate Guarantee(s)
Certified copy Board Minutes
Share certificate and original undated executed stock transfer form (with the transferee left blank) signed by the Borrower
Original Deed of Subordination
Original Assignment of Rental Income
And any other documentation which we indicate in these instructions you must send to us.
Allied Irish Bank (GB), a trading name of AIB Group (UK) Official copy of the title and original mortgage deed.
April Mortgages Following registration of the mortgage at the Land Registry and, where appropriate, at Companies House, please retain the following:

•Certificate of independent legal advice
•Deed of occupier’s consent
•Deed of postponement
•Notice of assignment and charge of a leasehold property
•Copy Mortgage Deed
Atom Bank plc - Priority Notice
- Confirmation of Application to Register
- Official Copy Register
- Original Mortgage Deed
Aviva Equity Release UK Ltd We require you to send us copies of the following items in image format only:
- Title information document;
- Legal charge
- Solicitors’ Certificate;
- Buildings Insurance Declaration;
- Occupant’s Deed where one was obtained;
- Indemnity insurance policy where one was obtained;
- Receipted Notice of Charge or evidence of service where the Property is leasehold;
- Standard declarations and undertakings
- Power of Attorney (if applicable)
- Essential repairs undertaking (if applicable)
All pre registration title deeds, searches, enquiries, consents, requisitions and documents relating to the Property may be returned to the Borrower’s solicitors or destroyed by you.
Bank of China All transactions
Title Information Document from HM Land Registry
Certificate of the Registration of a Mortgage or Charge from Companies House (for limited company borrowers)
Original Mortgage Deed / Legal Charge / Debenture
Any other applicable original Security Documents such as (but not limited to) Personal / Corporate Guarantee, Charge on Deposit, Deed of Variation, Deed of Postponement etc.
Building Warranty documentation (lenders copy)
Any other documents relating to the Property

Leasehold properties
All of the above
Receipted Notice of Mortgage
Lease (original or certified true copy or official copy from HMLR) and related documentation.
Bank of Ireland (UK) plc For LMS managed cases you are required to upload the following documents to LMS via their system:

Priority Notice (OS1 / OS2 / K17)
Confirmation of Application to Register (AP1 or electronic receipt)
Official Copy of Register

Where you have been unable to register the charge within thirty days of completion you are required to update the LMS system with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.
For all other cases, the title information document and all other documents you have been asked to send us under these Part 2 answers.
This includes where applicable: Professional Consultant’s Certificate; Defective Title Indemnity policy; Power of Attorney; Mortgage Deed (First Start cases only); Certified copy of existing Tenancy Agreement (if a Buy-to-Let remortgage). For leasehold title deeds we also require the Receipted Notice of Transfer/Mortgage; and Management Company documentation.
Bank of Ireland as Bank of Ireland Mortgages For LMS managed cases you are required to upload the following documents to LMS via their system:

Priority Notice (OS1 / OS2 / K17)
Confirmation of Application to Register (AP1 or electronic receipt)
Official Copy of Register

Where you have been unable to register the charge within thirty days of completion you are required to update the LMS system with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.

For all other cases, the title information document and all other documents you have been asked to send us under these Part 2 answers.
This includes where applicable: Professional Consultant’s Certificate; Defective Title Indemnity policy; Power of Attorney; Mortgage Deed (First Start cases only); Certified copy of existing Tenancy Agreement (if a Buy-to-Let remortgage). For leasehold title deeds we also require the Receipted Notice of Transfer/Mortgage; and Management Company documentation.
Bank of Scotland Beginning A Our schedule with - ORIGINALS of the following documents (where applicable): Consent to mortgage (L26). COPIES of the following documents (where applicable): licence to assign; executed Leaseholder Certificate and confirmation that it has been submitted to the landlord by the relevant leaseholder together with any Landlord Certificate; receipted notice of mortgage served on landlord or evidence of service, memorandum and articles of association of management company, section 442 Agreement. For First Homes properties: Authority to Exchange and Compliance Certificate from the Local Authority. DO NOT SEND US ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS (NB WE DO NOT NEED THE LEASE WHERE THE TITLE IS LEASEHOLD PROVIDED THAT A COPY IS HELD AT THE LAND REGISTRY ). PLEASE FORWARD THESE TO THE BORROWER.

The Land Registry will advise us electronically that the charge has been registered, however you will still need to ensure that the charge has been registered correctly.

You must notify us of any subsequent charge which will be in existence or entered into on completion of the mortgage. Please do so by adding the details to the schedule ensuring that the account number is shown in all cases.
Bank of Scotland Beginning O Our schedule with - ORIGINALS of the following documents (where applicable): Personal guarantee, charge of investment account, consent to mortgage. COPIES of the following document (where applicable): Official copy entries (please write our account number on these); licence to assign; executed Leaseholder Certificate and confirmation that it has been submitted to the landlord by the relevant leaseholder together with any Landlord Certificate; receipted notice of mortgage served on landlord or evidence of service, memorandum and articles of association of management company, section 442 Agreement. For First Homes properties: Authority to Exchange and Compliance Certificate from the Local Authority. PLEASE DO NOT SEND US ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS(nb WE DO NOT NEED THE LEASE WHERE THE TITLE IS LEASEHOLD PROVIDED THAT A COPY IS HELD AT THE LAND REGISTRY). PLEASE FORWARD THESE TO THE BORROWER.
Bank of Scotland Private Banking  
Barclays Bank UK PLC Residential Mortgages: Title Information Document

Buy to Let Mortgages: Title Information Document and where applicable:-Guarantee Certificate of Registration at the Companies Registry.
Barnsley Building Soc, a trading name Yorkshire Building Soc Official copy of the register entries and any filed plan for the property and either the original or a certified copy of the completed mortgage deed.
Better HomeOwnership (Mortgages) Priority of notice (OS1), certified/signed mortgage deed, confirmation of application to register (AP1), Title Deed (TID) charge are all uploaded via the LMS portal.
Birmingham Bank Please see letter of instructions
Birmingham Midshires Official Copies showing our interest has been secured by way of a first Legal Charge together with any deed of guarantee, Title Indemnity policy schedule, certified copy Power of Attorney, consent to mortgage and executed Leaseholder Certificate and confirmation that it has been submitted to the landlord by the relevant leaseholder together with any Landlord Certificate;
Please do not send us any pre-registration deeds or lease agreements.
Bluestone Mortgages You must send the documents referred to in 14.2.1 and as specified in the instructions (including this Part 2). You may also send any additional documents relating to the mortgaged property or the mortgage.
The following documents should be uploaded electronically to LMS:
1. Priority Notice
2. Confirmation of application to register
3. Official copy of register (TID)
4. Mortgage Deed
5. Occupier Deed of Consent- as required
6. Independent Legal Advice Confirmation - as required
7. Notice of Assignment and Charge of Leasehold Property- as required
8. Deed of Guarantee and Indemnity - as required

Where you have been unable to register our charge within thirty days of completion you are required to provide us, via LMS system STARS, with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.
Bradford & Bingley Limited Title information document and all other documents which you have been asked to send us in Part 2.
Britannia, a trading name of The Co-operative Bank plc Title Information Document(TID),consent to mortgage form, certified copy indemnity insurance schedule, certified copy Building Standards indemnity Scheme certificate and/or Consultants Certificate
Buckinghamshire Building Society Where applicable the following documents should be uploaded electronically to LMS STARS system:-
Priority Notice
Confirmation of Application to Register
Official Copy of Register
Certified copy Mortgage Deed
We require all original documents noted within the Special Conditions (where applicable) to be sent to us
Chelsea Building Society (a trading name of Yorkshire BS) Title Information Document, Official Copy Register and Title Plan.
CHL Mortgages As above, please send the ORIGINAL Mortgage Deed and ORIGINAL Deed of Guarantee(s) (if applicable) to the address below quoting the mortgage case reference number:
Post Completions Department, CHL Mortgages, Admiral House, Harlington Way, Fleet, Hants, GU51 4YA

In addition, please provide the Insurance Provider/Company and Policy/Reference Numbers for all warranties and/or indemnity insurance policies relating to the transaction. We do not need to receive copies of the assignments of any policies which should be retained on your file for review.

In all instances copies of all transaction-related documents should be retained on your file for review.
Clydesdale Bank plc Title Information Document.
Co-operative Bank plc Title Information Document (TID), together with the following, where applicable:

(i) Occupier's Deed of Consent
(ii) Indemnity Insurance policy schedule
(iii) Power of Attorney and Statutory Declaration of non-revocation of Power of Attorney
(iv) New Home Warranty certificate
(v) Deed of Priority
(vi) Receipted Notice of Assignment and Charge;

together with any other documents as required by the special conditions in the borrower's Mortgage Offer.
Coutts Official copy(ies) of the Register, the original mortgage deed(s) and other relevant title deeds, and those mentioned herein including any guarantee(s) referred to in the valuation / specialist report.
Coutts Finance Co Official copy(ies) of the Register, the original mortgage deed(s) and other relevant title deeds, and those mentioned herein including any guarantee(s) referred to in the valuation / specialist report.
Coventry Building Society Title information document
Agreement and Undertaking
Cynergy Bank You are required to upload the following documents to LMS via their STARS system:

Priority Notice (OS1 / OS2 / K17)
Confirmation of Application to Register (AP1 or electronic receipt)
Official Copy Register
Mortgage Deed

Where you have been unable to register the charge within thirty days of completion you are required to update the LMS system with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.
Danske Bank Documents required include the following but is not limited to:

•Title Information document;
•Completion Statement;
•Original Mortgage Deed;
•Lease if leasehold;
• Occupiers Waiver(Consent & Undertaking of occupier(s);
• Lenders copy of New Homes Warranty; and
•Certified Copy Power of Attorney (if applicable).

Please send to:
Danske Bank
Mortgage Customer Support Team
Personal Collateral Team
Killeaton House
41 Mosside Road, Dunmurry
Belfast, BT17 9HH
Darlington Building Society Title Information Document.
DB UK Bank Ltd Title Information Document
Mortgage Deed
Deed of Consent (if applicable)
Deed of Guarantee (if applicable)
Deed of Postponement (if applicable)
Any relevant indemnity insurance policy

Leasehold Properties:
Receipted Notice of Mortgage
Original Lease or official copy Lease
License to Assign (if Applicable)
Supplemental Deeds (if any)
Share Certificate and Executed Stock Transfer Form (if applicable)

Together with any other documentation detailed in our Mortgage Offer
Dudley Building Society The following documents should be uploaded electronically to LMS:
1. Priority Notice
2. Confirmation of Application to Register
3. Official Copy of Register
4. Mortgage deed (signed and dated by all parties)

Where you have been unable to register our charge within thirty days of completion you are required to provide us, via LMS system STARS, with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.
Ecology Building Society Official copy of the register, original Mortgage Deed and all necessary title documents including those specified in these Instructions
Family Building Soc (a trading name of National Counties BS) The following documents should be uploaded electronically to LMS' STARS system:
Priority Notice (OS1 / OS2 / K17)
Application to Register / Confirmation of Application to Register
Official Copy of Register
Any other documents specified by the Mortgage Offer must be sent to:
Legal Services, Ebbisham House, 30 Church Street, Epsom, Surrey KT17 4NL
Website : (click on ‘Contact Us’ and then ‘Document Upload’ and then choose ‘Legal Services’)’

Where you have been unable to register our charge within thirty days of completion you are required to provide us, via LMS' system, with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.
First Direct A copy of the Register completion Sheet. A copy of the completed Mortgage Deed only where an INDIRECT A2 Mortgage Deed has been taken.A copy of any Indemnity Policy. All documents should be sent to: HSBC UK Bank plc trading as first direct, Customer Service Centre, BX8 5HB
Fleet Mortgages Only such documents as are identified in our responses set out above including but not limited to under; 14.1.5, 6.7.1, 6.6.4 and 5.14.13. If the borrower is a limited company you must submit an on-line application to register the charge at Companies House within 7 days of completion and as soon as you have done this, you must e-mail our Mortgage Services Team a copy of the application acknowledgement.
Foundation Home Loans Following registration of the mortgage at the Land Registry and, where appropriate, at Companies House, please:
1. Retain original documents in your file;
2. Complete our ‘eDeed Packet’ Checklist;
3. Forward a pdf copy of the checklist together with pdf copies, certified as true copies of the original by a Solicitor, FCILEX or Licensed Conveyancer authorised on behalf of your firm,
Furness Building Society Mortgage Deed, Official Copy of Register entries and lease, if applcable.
GE Money Home Lending Ltd GE Money Home Lending has withdrawn from the UK mortgage market.
Gen H You are required to provide the following documents within 7 working days of completion to us via the LMS Conveyancer Zone:

• Certified copy of the completed mortgage deed
• Certified copy of the Deposit Booster Agreement(s) (if applicable)
• Certified copy of the Home Agreement (if applicable)
• Certified copy of Power of Attorney and certified copy of Statutory Declaration of non-revocation of Power of Attorney (if applicable)
• Occupier's Consent and Postponement Deed (if applicable)
• New Build Warranty or Professional's Consultant's Certificate (if applicable)
• Official Copy of the Title Register noting our registered charge (once registered)
Godiva Mortgages Ltd Title Information document
Agreement and Undertaking
Habito Title Information Document
Halifax Our schedule with - ORIGINALS of the following documents (where applicable): Consent to mortgage (L26). In shared ownership cases: undertaking from landlord regarding notice of possession proceedings under Housing Act 1988. - COPIES of the following documents (where applicable):licence to assign; executed Leaseholder Certificate and confirmation that it has been submitted to the landlord by the relevant leaseholder together with any Landlord Certificate; receipted notice of mortgage served on landlord or evidence of service; memorandum and articles of association of management company, section 442 Agreement. In shared ownership cases: Notice of assignment of option under shared ownership lease (L30) and letter of consent to mortgage from landlord. For First Homes properties: Authority to Exchange and Compliance Certificate from the Local Authority. DO NOT SEND US ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS (N.B. WE DO NOT NEED THE LEASE WHERE THE TITLE IS LEASEHOLD PROVIDED THAT A COPY IS HELD AT THE LAND REGISTRY). PLEASE FORWARD THESE TO THE BORROWER.

The Land Registry will advise us electronically that the charge has been registered, however you will still need to ensure that the charge has been registered correctly.

You must notify us of any subsequent charge which will be in existence or entered into on completion of the mortgage. Please do so by adding the details to the schedule ensuring that the account number is shown in all cases.
Halifax Loans Ltd Our schedule with - ORIGINALS of the following documents (where applicable):Personal guarantee (our form L4); charge of investment account (L8 and L9); consent to mortgage (L26). In shared ownership cases: undertaking from landlord regarding notice of possession proceedings under Housing Act 1988. - COPIES of the following documents(where applicable):Official copy entries(please write our roll number on these); licence to assign; receipted notice of mortgage served on landlord or evidence of service; memorandum and articles of association of management company, section 442 Agreement. In shared ownership cases:Notice of assignment of option under shared ownership lease (L30) and letter of consent to mortgage from landlord. DO NOT SEND US ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS(N.B.WE DO NOT NEED THE LEASE WHERE THE TITLE IS LEASEHOLD). PLEASE FORWARD THESE TO THE BORROWER.
Hampden & Co. plc Official copy(ies) of the Register. A certified copy of the letter of consent referred to in 7.3 above. A certified copy of the mortgage deed. The signed and dated deeds undertaking referred to in 14..2.1 above.
Handelsbanken All documents.
Harpenden Building Society Mortgage Deed, Land Registry title document showing first charge to HBS and anything specified in the Mortgage Offer
Hinckley and Rugby Building Society The following documents should be uploaded electronically to LMS:
Priority Notice.
Confirmation of Application to Register.
Official Copy of Register.
Signed Mortgage Deed.

Where applicable:
Occupiers Deed of Consent.
Indemnity Insurance Policies.
Block Transfer Form.
Receipted Landlords Notice.
NHBC Certificate.

Where you have been unable to register our charge within thirty days of completion you are required to provide us, via LMS electronic system, with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.
Hodge Original mortgage deed/legal charge
Consent and postponement of occupier’s interest (if applicable)
Title Information Document
Any certified copy power of attorney and/or statutory declaration of non-revocation of power of attorney (if applicable)
Original deed of postponement (if applicable)
Hodge Equity Release Original mortgage deed/legal charge
Consent and postponement of occupier’s interest (if applicable)
Title Information Document
Any certified copy power of attorney and/or statutory declaration of non-revocation of power of attorney (if applicable)
Original deed of postponement (if applicable)
Solicitor certificate formally known as SHIP certificate

Holmesdale Building Society office copies, mortgage deeds, leases, copy planning - all documents.
HSBC UK Bank plc A copy of the Register completion Sheet
A copy of the completed Mortgage Deed only where an INDIRECT A2 Mortgage Deed has been taken.
A copy of any Indemnity Policy
A copy of any signed Letters of Consent.

Instructions received from Legal Marketing Services Ltd (LMS): All documents must be added to the LMS Conveyancer Zone

If you did not receive your instruction from LMS, the documents should be sent to the address stated in 1.11
Intelligent Finance Our schedule
Originals (where applicable): personal guarantee (our form L4(EW)(IF)); consent to mortgage.
Copies (where applicable): official copy entries (please write the Intelligent Finance plan number on these); licence to assign; executed Leaseholder Certificate and confirmation that it has been submitted to the landlord by the relevant leaseholder together with any Landlord Certificate; receipted notice of mortgage served on landlord or evidence of service; memorandum and articles of association of management company; section 442 agreement.
Investec Bank plc Official copy(ies) of the Register
The Original Mortgage deed(s) and other relevant title deeds as well as any other security documents, e.g. guarantees.
ITL Mortgages Title Information document
Agreement and Undertaking
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. All those set out in Part 1 of the Lenders Handbook and in our standard deeds schedule.
Kensington Mortgage Company Ltd Title Information Document
Original Mortgage Deed
Copy signed Certificate of Title
Certified copy of buildings insurance

And where applicable:

Conveyance and Examined Abstract/Epitome in the case of unregistered land
Lease (and assignment)
Certified copy Head lease
Original Occupier’s Deed of Consent
Notice of Charge to Landlords
Ground rent and service charge receipts
NHBC or similar
Deed of Gift Indemnity Policy
Deed of Postponement
Share certificate and original undated executed stock transfer form

Where the borrower is a Limited Company, we also require:

Certificate of Registration from Companies House (if the borrower is a Limited Company)
Original Limited Company Personal Guarantee(s)
Kent Reliance (a trading name of OneSavings Bank plc) Only executed stock transfer form referred to at 5.8.1 is required. All other documents should be retained on your file.
Keystone Property Finance Only such documents as are identified in our responses set out above including but not limited to under 14.1.5, 6.7.1,6.6.4, and 5.14.13.
If the borrower is a limited company you must submit an online application to register the charge at Companies House within 7 days of completion and as soon as you have done this, you must email our Completions Department a copy of the application acknowledgement.
Landbay Partners Limited Scanned copies only where necessary to support title.
Landmark Mortgages Limited Please see our Deeds Schedule
Leeds Building Society Where the initial instruction has come through LMS via the S.T.A.R.S system, you are required to upload the following documents to LMS via their S.T.A.R.S system:
• Priority Notice (OS1 / OS2 / K17);
• Confirmation of Application to Register (AP1 or electronic receipt);
• Official Copy Register;
• Where applicable: Power of Attorney.

Where the initial instruction has come through LMS via the S.T.A.R.S system, where you have been unable to register the charge within thirty days of completion you are required to update the LMS system with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.

For Limited Company Buy to Let cases you are required to send the following documents by email to
• Where applicable: Power of Attorney.

For Limited Company Buy to Let cases, a certified copy of the completed guarantee(s) and a plain copy of the independent legal advice letter(s) must be sent via email to the contact details in 1.11a.

Legal & General Home Finance Ltd - Certificate of Title
- Title information document
- original legal charge
- original lease or certified copy, where applicable
- Land Registry/Land Charges searches
- Original certificates
- Original indemnity policies, where applicable
- Receipted Notices, where applicable
LendInvest 1. Confirmation of the completion date (i.e, the date the funds were sent to the borrower's solicitors)
2. Confirmation that all security has been registered (i) at Companies House and (ii) at the Land Registry. If there are no Companies House registrations because the borrower is an individual, this should be confirmed in the email.
3. A PDF copy of the the following documents (where relevant), fully signed (by all parties, including us) and dated: Loan Agreement, Debenture, Legal Charge, Occupier’s Consent, Gifted Deposit Letter, Personal/Corporate Guarantees, Deed of Priority/ Postponement/ Intercreditor/Subordination.
For corporate borrowers, a copy of the constitutional documents (certificate of incorporation and articles or other constitutional documents) Other (e.g. Share Charge, along with share certificates and STF)
4. A PDF copy of the signed and issued report on title.
5. A PDF copy of the signed and issued report on title checklist.
6. For development finance deals only, a PDF copy of the signed and issued QS report.
7. An Official Copy showing the registration of the charge
8. A PDF copy of the Companies House registration certificate(s).
LiveMore Capital If you have received your instruction via LMS you are required to upload the following documents to LMS via their system:
• Priority Notice (OS1 / OS2 / K17)
• Confirmation of Application to Register (AP1 or electronic receipt)
• Official Copy Register
• Copy dated Mortgage Deed

Where you have been unable to register the charge within thirty days of completion you are required to update the LMS system with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.

If you received the instruction directly from LiveMore then you should send copies of the same documents direct to us at the address as in 1.11a
Lloyds Bank plc pre fixed 20/40 Our schedule with - ORIGINALS of the following documents (where applicable): Consent to mortgage (L26). In shared ownership cases: undertaking from landlord regarding notice of possession proceedings under Housing Act 1988. - COPIES of the following documents (where applicable): licence to assign; executed Leaseholder Certificate and confirmation that it has been submitted to the landlord by the relevant leaseholder together with any Landlord Certificate; receipted notice of mortgage served on landlord or evidence of service; memorandum and articles of association of management company, section 442 Agreement. In shared ownership cases: Notice of assignment of option under shared ownership lease (L30) and letter of consent to mortgage from landlord. For First Homes properties: Authority to Exchange and Compliance Certificate from the Local Authority. DO NOT SEND US ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS (N.B. WE DO NOT NEED THE LEASE WHERE THE TITLE IS LEASEHOLD PROVIDED THAT A COPY IS HELD AT THE LAND REGISTRY ). PLEASE FORWARD THESE TO THE BORROWER.

The Land Registry will advise us electronically that the charge has been registered, however you will still need to ensure that the charge has been registered correctly.

You must notify us of any subsequent charge which will be in existence or entered into on completion of the mortgage. Please do so by adding the details to the schedule ensuring that the account number is shown in all cases.

For Lend A Hand: Charge over Lend A Hand savings account together with covering letter from the solicitor who advised the saver.

Lloyds Bank plc pre fixed 50/30/77 Mortgage Loan Agreement(s)
Deed of Guarantee*
Title Indemnity*
Certified copy Power of Attorney*
Occupiers Waiver*
Executed Leaseholder Certificate and confirmation that it has been submitted to the landlord by the relevant leaseholder together with any Landlord Certificate*;
For First Homes properties: Authority to Exchange and Compliance Certificate from the Local Authority*

* if applicable

The Land Registry will advise us electronically that the charge has been registered, however you will still need to ensure that the charge has been registered correctly.

You must notify us of any subsequent charge which will be in existence or entered into on completion of the mortgage. Please do so by adding the details to the schedule ensuring that the account number is shown in all cases.

For Lend A Hand: Charge over Lend A Hand savings account together with covering letter from the solicitor who advised the saver.

Lloyds TSB Scotland plc Mortgage Loan Agreement(s)
Deed of Guarantee*
Title Indemnity*
Certified copy Power of Attorney*
Occupiers Waiver*
executed Leaseholder Certificate and confirmation that it has been submitted to the landlord by the relevant leaseholder together with any Landlord Certificate*

* if applicable

The Land Registry will advise us electronically that the charge has been registered, however you will still need to ensure that the charge has been registered correctly.

You must notify us of any subsequent charge which will be in existence or entered into on completion of the mortgage. Please do so by adding the details to the schedule ensuring that the account number is shown in all cases.

For Lend A Hand:Charge over Lend A Hand savings account together with covering letter from the solicitor who advised the saver.

M&S Bank A copy of the Register Completion Sheet
A copy of any Indemnity policy
A copy of any signed Letters of Consent

All documents should be sent to:
M&S Bank, PO Box 12, Skipton, BD23 2HL. Telephone Number 0345 002 1128 Fax 0345 111 0322
Magellan Homeloans Original mortgage deed
Title information document
Where applicable:
Deed of consent
Any other document required in our Mortgage Offer
Manchester Building Society For owner-occupied residential properties, all documents apart from the Title Information document and the Mortgage Deed, should be sent to the borrower.
For commercial and buy to let mortgages, these documents should be sent to the Society.
Market Harborough Building Society Official copy of the register, original charge, title plan, latest searches (if applicable), assigned policies and other documents referred to herein
Masthaven Bank You must send the documents referred to in 14.2.1 and as specified in the instructions (including this Part 2). You may also send any additional documents relating to the mortgaged property or the mortgage.
Metro Bank plc None, we do not require the original title deeds and documents, they should be retained by yourselves and made available upon request.
ModaMortgages The following documents should be uploaded to LMS post-completion:

- Priority Notice and HMLR reference
- Confirmation of Application to Register and HMLR reference
- Official Copy of Register for all affected Titles
Molo Finance We do not require original copies to be sent to us. We require electronic copies of the following items which should be emailed as per 1.11a:

- Completed mortgage deed
- Office copy of Land Registry entries once registered

Additionally, for Ltd Company BTL mortgages, we require:
-Office copies of charges placed at Companies House after completion together with a copy of the certificate of registration at Companies House.
Monmouthshire Building Society Occupiers Consent Forms (if applicable) and insurance indemnity policies that have been requested elsewhere in Part 2 of this Handbook. Other documents should be sent to the borrowers.
Mortgage Agency Services All those set out in Part 1 of the Lenders Handbook and in our standard Deeds schedule (if this has been supplied by the Lender)
Mortgage Express Title information document and all other documents which you have been asked to send us Part 2.
Mortgage Express No 2  
MPowered Mortgages Only such documents as are identified in our responses set out above including but not limited to under 6.4.4, 6.6.4, 7.3 & 14.1.5
If the borrower is a limited company you must submit an online application to register the charge at Companies House within 7 days of completion and as soon as you have done this, you must email our Completions Department a copy of the application acknowledgement.
National Counties Building Society The following documents should be uploaded electronically to LMS' STARS system:
Priority Notice (OS1 / OS2 / K17)
Application to Register / Confirmation of Application to Register
Official Copy of Register
Any other documents specified by the Mortgage Offer must be sent to:
Legal Services, Ebbisham House, 30 Church Street, Epsom, Surrey KY17 4NL
Website : (click on ‘Contact Us’ and then ‘Document Upload’ and then choose ‘Legal Services’)’ 
Where you have been unable to register our charge within thirty days of completion you are required to provide us, via LMS' system, with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.
National Westminster Bank plc In cases where you have been instructed through the LMS system you are required to upload the following documents to LMS via their system:
Priority Notice (OS1 / OS2 / K17)
Confirmation of Application to Register (AP1 or electronic receipt)
Official Copy of Register

Where applicable you must also upload to LMS the following documents:
Power of Attorney & Statutory Declaration of non-revocation of Power of Attorney
Personal Guarantee
Occupiers Consent and Postponement Deed

Where you have been unable to register the charge within thirty days of completion you are required to update the LMS system with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.

In cases where you have not been instructed through the LMS system
Only documents required are where applicable:
Deed of Consent and Postponement
Certified copy of Power of Attorney
Certified copy of the Statutory Declaration of non-revocation of General Power of Attorney
Any additional documentation received will be returned. – Please use the contact details in 1.11a
Nationwide Building Society None
Nedbank Private Wealth Ltd We require you to send all relevant documents to us including the following:the charge, if executed under a power of attorney, a properly certified copy of the power, any relevant board or other necessary resolution, any appropriate legal opinion in relation to the Borrower or any Guarantor, any postponements or consents from occupiers, details of the registered title, any deeds of priority, personal guarantees, the lease and any relevant deeds of variation, licences or consents under the lease, FENSA, GasSafe and electrical installation certificates, title indemnity policies, including restrictive covenant policies, any NHBC or similar guarantees or building related warranties, any sublease or tenancy to which the property is subject on completion, share certificate and blank stock transfer form for any management company share.
New Street Mortgages Copies of the following (where appropriate):
Mortgage Deed
Buildings Insurance Schedule
Occupier's Consent Form
New Home Warranty Documentation
Professional Consultants Certificate
Indemnity Insurance Certificate
NRAM Ltd  
Paragon Buy to Let Mortgages All the deeds and documents referred to in 14.2.1 together with the Legal charge, the lease (if any) and all other title deeds and documentation necessary to support a good and marketable title. In addition, you must send to us any Deed of guarantee; Mortgage guarantee and advice certificate; Certificates of registration at Companies House for the Legal charge and Floating charge and UK Finance Disclosure of Incentives Form.
Paragon Residential Owner-Occupied Mortgages All the deeds and documents referred to in 14.2.1 together with the original Legal Charge, the lease (if any) and all other title deeds and documentation necessary to support a good and marketable title. In addition, you must send to us any Deed of Guarantee; Consent to mortgage and UK Finance Disclosure of Incentives Form.
Paratus AMC Ltd Following registration of the mortgage at the Land Registry and, where appropriate, at Companies House, please:
1. Retain original documents in your file;
2. Complete our ‘eDeed Packet’ Checklist;
3. Forward a pdf copy of the checklist together with pdf copies, certified as true copies of the original by a Solicitor, FCILEX or Licensed Conveyancer authorised on behalf of your firm;
By email to:

Parity Trust Official copy of the register, original Mortgage Deed and all necessary title documents including those specified in these Instructions
Pepper Money Documents required include the following but is not limited to: Title Information document, Completion Statement, Original Mortgage Deed, Lease if leasehold, Occupiers Waiver(Consent & Undertaking of occupier(s), Lenders copy of New Homes Warranty. If mortgagor is a limited company we will require: Companies House Registration of charge and Directors guarantees. If the borrower has an interest in a freehold management company on their flat, please provide a Share Certificate and blank Signed stock transfer form. Please send to Pepper Money, New Lending Department Harman House, 1 George Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1QQ
Pepper Money (PUK) Documents required include the following but is not limited to: Title Information document, Completion Statement, Original Mortgage Deed, Lease if leasehold, Occupiers Waiver(Consent & Undertaking of occupier(s), Lenders copy of New Homes Warranty. If mortgagor is a limited company we will require: Companies House Registration of charge and Directors guarantees. If the borrower has an interest in a freehold management company on their flat, please provide a Share Certificate and blank Signed stock transfer form. Please send to Pepper Money, New Lending Department Harman House, 1 George Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1QQ
Perenna None, hard copies of documents should be retained by the solicitor and provided to Perenna upon request.
Platform (a trading name of The Co-operative Bank p.l.c.) All those set out in Part 1 of the Lenders Hanbook and in our standard deeds schedule.
Precise Mortgages (Charter Court Financial Services Ltd) The following documents are required by us, in electronic format, after completion (with the relevant Handbook reference shown in brackets):
1. certified copy of a power of attorney used for the execution of any document (5.17.5);
2. statutory declaration of non-revocation (where appropriate)
3. Consent to Mortgage Form from any non-borrowing adult occupier (7.3);
4. certified copy Mortgage Deed (14.1.5);
5. Title Information Document (electronically despatched applications) or Register Completion Sheet (hard-copy despatched applications) showing our Mortgage registered as a first charge;
6. Title Indemnity Insurance, where applicable
7. Executed stock transfer form referred to at 5.8.1, where applicable;
8. Any other document specifically requested in your Instructions.
Principality Building Society We require the TID, original Mortgage Deed, Occupiers Consent Forms (if applicable) and insurance indemnity policies that have been requested elsewhere in Part 2 of this Handbook. Other documents should be sent to the borrowers.

Reliance Bank Ltd HMLR registration & confirmation
Signed Mortgage Deed
Receipted Notice to Freeholder where applicable
Rooftop Mortgages Ltd Those set out in our standard deeds schedule, any doument detailed in Part 2 of the Lender's handbook, and any guarantees relating to, or works carried out to, the security property.
Saffron Building Society Mortgage Deed (original or certified copy)
Title Information Document
Any documents required under the special conditions and all other documents to support a good and marketable title.

Sainsbury's Bank Title Information document
Mortgage Deed
Occupiers Consent
Certified copy Power of Attorney
Statutory non revocation of Power of Attorney
Title Indemnity Policy
Santander UK plc Unless your instructions on a particular case state otherwise, you should only send to us (as soon as possible after receipt by you) the Title Information Document issued by the Land Registry following registration, together with the following, where applicable:

(i) any certified copy power of attorney and/or statutory declaration of non-revocation of power of attorney in accordance with our requirements under paragraphs 5.17.5a and 5.17.5b respectively; and

(ii) any Deed of Consent or Guarantee (but not where the executed deed forms part of our standard Mortgage Deed which is to be retained by the Land Registry pursuant to paragraph 14.1.5).
Scottish Building Society All documents specified within part 1 of the Lenders Handbook and any other document(s) specified in the Society's mortgage offer.
Scottish Widows Bank Title Information Document
Title Indemnity (if applicable)
Certified copy of Power of Attorney (if applicable)
Executed Leaseholder Certificate and confirmation that it has been submitted to the landlord by the relevant leaseholder together with any Landlord Certificate; (If applicable)
Original Deed of Consent.

For First Homes properties: Authority to Exchange and Compliance Certificate from the Local Authority.
Secure Trust Bank PLC Title Information Document (TID)
Deed of consent
Certificate of Independent Advice form
Notice to landlord form
Architects certificate
And any other documentation which we indicate in these instructions you must send to us.
Skipton Building Society You are required to upload the following documents to the LMS system:

• Priority Notice (OS1 / OS2 / K17);
• Confirmation of Application to Register (AP1 or electronic receipt);
• Official Copy Register;

Where you have been unable to register the charge within thirty days of completion you are required to update the LMS system with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.
St James Place Bank Our schedule
Originals (where applicable):personal guarantee (our formL4(EW)(SJPB));consent to mortgage.
Copies(where applicable):official copy entries(please write the St James' Place Bank account reference number on these);licence to assign;receipted notice of mortgage served on landlord or evidence of service;memorandum and articles of association of management company;section 442 agreement.
State Bank of India UK The original Mortgage Deed, the lease (if any) and all other title deeds and documentation necessary to support a good and marketable title. In addition, you must send to us any Deed of Guarantee, certificate of registration at Companies House, CML Incentive Form and any certificates confirming advice has been given.
Swansea Building Society Title Information Document,Original Mortgage Over Land,all searches and any other documents required to establish title or as specifically requested in our instructions to you. Any other remaining original Title Deeds and documents.
The Mortgage Business Our schedule with - ORIGINALS of the following documents (where applicable): Personal guarantee (our form L4); charge of investment account (L8 and L9); consent to mortgage (L26). In shared ownership cases: undertaking from landlord regarding notice of possession proceedings under Housing Act 1988. - COPIES of the following documents (where applicable): Official copy entries (please write our roll number on these); licence to assign; receipted notice of mortgage served on landlord or evidence of service; memorandum and articles of association of management company, section 442 Agreement. DO NOT SEND US ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS (N.B. WE DO NOT NEED THE LEASE WHERE THE TITLE IS LEASEHOLD). PLEASE FORWARD THESE TO THE BORROWER.
The Mortgage Lender Limited You are required to upload the following documents electronically to LMS:
• Priority Notice (OS1/OS2/K17)
• Confirmation of Application to Register AP1 or electronic receipt)
• Official Copy of the Register
• Notice of the second charge (For Help to Buy Equity Mortgages only)

The Mortgage Works Official copy of the register to Title Registration Team, Kings Park Road, Moulton Park, Northampton, NN3 6NW or alternatively to
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc In cases where you have been instructed through the LMS system you are required to upload the following documents to LMS via their system:
Priority Notice (OS1 / OS2 / K17)
Confirmation of Application to Register (AP1 or electronic receipt)
Official Copy of Register

Where applicable you must also upload to LMS the following documents:
Power of Attorney & Statutory Declaration of non-revocation of Power of Attorney
Personal Guarantee
Occupiers Consent and Postponement Deed

Where you have been unable to register the charge within thirty days of completion you are required to update the LMS system with a reason for the delay at least every thirty days until registration is complete and the required documents have been uploaded.

In cases where you have not been instructed through the LMS system
Only documents required are where applicable:
Deed of Consent and Postponement
Certified copy of Power of Attorney
Certified copy of the Statutory Declaration of non-revocation of General Power of Attorney
Any additional documentation received will be returned. – Please use the contact details in 1.11a
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Direct Line Mortgages The official copy of the Register and other relevant title deeds as well as those mentioned herein, including any guarantee(s) referred to in the valuation/specialist report.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Direct Line One The official copy of the Register and other relevant title deeds, as well as those mentionned herein, including any guarantee(s) referred to in the valuation/ specialist report.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc First Active Only documents required are where applicable:

Deed of Consent and Postponement
Personal Guarantee
Certified copy Power of Attorney
Certified copy of the Statutory Declaration of non-revocation of General Power of Attorney

We do not require a copy of the Title Information Document.

We do not require the original Legal Charge or a copy of it.

Any additional documentation received will be returned.
For any clarification of our requirements, please phone Gordon on 01475 551067

Offset Flexible Mortgage -

The official copy of the Register and other relevant title deeds, as well as those mentioned herein, including any guarantee(s) referred to in the valuation report.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Natwest one Account Only documents required are where applicable:
Deed of Consent and Postponement
Certified copy of Power of Attorney
Certified copy of the Statutory Declaration of non-revocation of General Power of Attorney
Any additional documentation received will be returned.

The Royal Bank of Scotland plc One Account Only documents required are where applicable:
Deed of Consent and Postponement
Certified copy of Power of Attorney
Certified copy of the Statutory Declaration of non-revocation of General Power of Attorney
Any additional documentation received will be returned

The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Virgin One Only documents required are where applicable:
Deed of Consent and Postponement
Certified copy of Power of Attorney
Certified copy of the Statutory Declaration of non-revocation of General Power of Attorney
Any additional documentation received will be returned.

The Tipton & Coseley Building Society The following documents must be uploaded electronically to LMS:

Priority Notice
Confirmation of Application to Register
Official Copy of Register
Mortgage Deed
Collateral Charge/Third Party Mortgage Deed where applicable.
Together Personal Finance Limited Original signed Legal Charge and Mortgage Offer, Title Information Document, any original Deeds and/or Indemnity Policies.
Topaz Finance Ltd Any relevant Guarantee documents. Consent to Occupier Forms, official copy of the Land Registry Register, signed Stock Transfer form and any other documents we have specifically requested you send as part of our instructions to you.
TSB Bank plc Our schedule with ORIGINALS of the following (where applicable)
o Deed of Guarantee*
o Title Indemnity*
o Certified copy Power of Attorney*
o Occupiers Waiver*
o In Shared Ownership cases: Undertaking from Landlord regarding notice of possession proceedings under Housing Act 1988 or the renting homes (Wales) Act 2016 as applicable.
o Deed of Assignment of option under shared ownership lease
o Form of Consent to Mortgage Protection Clause
o Title Information Document
o COPIES of the following documents (where applicable)
?Section 442 Agreement

* if applicable

You will need to ensure that the charge has been registered correctly and provide us with a Title Information Document, uploaded to STARS, for every completed mortgage secured against a property in England or Wales.

You must notify us of any subsequent charge which will be in existence or entered into on completion of the mortgage. Please do so by adding the details to the schedule ensuring that the account number is shown in all cases.
Ulster Bank The official copy of the Register and other relevant title deeds, as well as those mentioned herein, including any guarantee(s) referred to in the valuation/specialist report.
Vida Homeloans Title Information Document (TID)
Deed of Consent
Certificate of Independent Advice Form
Notice to Landlord Form
Architects Certificate
Original Mortgage Deed
Guarantee Forms
Indemnity Policy
And any other documentation which we indicate in these instructions you must send to us.
Virgin Money The documents we need post-completion are listed in our current Deeds Schedule.
Whistletree (a trading name of TSB Bank plc) Our schedule with ORIGINALS of the following (where applicable)
o Deed of Guarantee*
o Title Indemnity*
o Certified copy Power of Attorney*
o Occupiers Waiver*
o In Shared Ownership cases: Undertaking from Landlord regarding notice of possession proceedings under Housing Act 1988
o Deed of Assignment of option under shared ownership lease
o Form of Consent to Mortgage Protection Clause
o Title Information Document
o COPIES of the following documents (where applicable)
?Section 442 Agreement

* if applicable

You will need to ensure that the charge has been registered correctly and provide us with a Title Information Document for every completed mortgage secured against a property in England or Wales.

You must notify us of any subsequent charge which will be in existence or entered into on completion of the mortgage. Please do so by adding the details to the schedule ensuring that the account number is shown in all cases
Yorkshire Bank Home Loans Ltd Title Information Document
Yorkshire Building Society An official copy of the register entries,filed plan and either the original or a certified copy of the completed mortgage deed.
Zephyr Homeloans Any relevant Guarantee documents. Consent to Occupier Forms, official copy of the Land Registry Register, signed Stock Transfer form and any other documents we have specifically requested you send as part of our instructions to you. Additionally, any notice of the creation of the mortgage and any documents relating to the consent of the landlord to the creation of the mortgage.