Answers for England and Wales

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Question: 5.4.5. Does the lender accept personal searches and, if yes, what are the lender's requirements?

Lender Answer
Accord Buy to Let Yes, subject to the requirements listed in Part 1 and provided you give an unqualified Certificate of Title. You must ensure that the search firm subscribes to the Search Code maintained by the Council of Property Search Organisations and monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
Accord Mortgages Ltd Yes these are acceptable provided 1)the search firm subscribes to the Search Code as monitored and regulated by the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB) 2)the requirements listed in Part 1 of this Handbook are met and 3) provided you give an unqualified Certificate of Title.
Adam & Company Yes, provided they are undertaken by a reputable search agent who has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.

Adam & Company International Yes, provided they are undertaken by a reputable search agent who has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.

Ahli United Bank (UK) plc Please refer to Central Administration Unit
Aldermore Bank PLC Yes, subject to the requirements set out in paragraph 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 of Part 1 and any firm carrying out a personal search being registered under The Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
Allied Irish Bank (GB), a trading name of AIB Group (UK) Refer to AIB Group (UK) plc, Central Securities (GB), 92 Anne Street, Belfast, BT1 3H
April Mortgages Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
Atom Bank plc Yes provided that they are undertaken by a reputable search agent who subscribes to the search code, as monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board, is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations, has adequate professional indemnity insurance and where you can still give a clear certificate of title.
Aviva Equity Release UK Ltd Yes, to personal searches carried out by firms registered under CoPSO.
Bank of China No.
Bank of Ireland (UK) plc Only personal searches carried out by firms registered under The Search Code, monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
Bank of Ireland as Bank of Ireland Mortgages We accept only personal searches carried out by firms registered under The Search Code, monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
Bank of Scotland Beginning A Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
Bank of Scotland Beginning O Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
Bank of Scotland Private Banking  
Barclays Bank UK PLC Yes, at the Conveyancer’s own risk and subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 and provided that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman Scheme:
Barnsley Building Soc, a trading name Yorkshire Building Soc Yes, these are acceptable provided 1) the search firm subscribes to the Search Code as monitored and regulated by the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB); 2) the requirements listed in Part 1 of this Handbook are met and 3) you give an unqualified Certificate of Title.
Better HomeOwnership (Mortgages) Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
Birmingham Bank Yes
Birmingham Midshires Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
Bluestone Mortgages Yes, provided that the search firm subscribes to the Search Code as monitored and regulated by the Property Codes Compliance Board, that the requirements listed in Part 1 of this Handbook are met, and that you give an unqualified Certificate of Title.
Bradford & Bingley Limited Only personal searches carried out in accordance with the Search Code monitored by the PCCB
Britannia, a trading name of The Co-operative Bank plc We only accept personal searches carried out by firms registered under The Search Code, monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board
Buckinghamshire Building Society No
Chelsea Building Society (a trading name of Yorkshire BS) Yes these are acceptable provided 1) the search firm subscribes to the Search Code as monitored and regulated by the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB) 2) the requirements listed in Part 1 of this Handbook are met and 3)you give an unqualified Certificate of Title.
CHL Mortgages No
Clydesdale Bank plc Yes provided the firm is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations and subscribes to the Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board and also that the requirements under sections 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 of Part 1 are met.
Co-operative Bank plc We only accept personal searches carried out by firms registered under The Search Code, monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
Coutts Yes, provided they are undertaken by a reputable search agent who has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
Coutts Finance Co Yes, provided they are undertaken by a reputable search agent who has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
Coventry Building Society Yes, provided the Search Agent subscribes to the Search Code, monitored by the PCCB.
Cynergy Bank We accept personal searches provided these enable the solicitor firm or licensed conveyance firm to provide a clear certificate of title.
Danske Bank Yes, provided that:

• searches are carried out in accordance with the Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board;
• the search agency has adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance;
• the requirements listed in Part 1 (paragraph 5.4.7) are satisfied; and
• you give an unqualified Certificate of Title.
Darlington Building Society Yes, for remortgages only. Search firm must subscribe to the Search Code, monitored by the PCCB.
DB UK Bank Ltd No we do not accept personal searches
Dudley Building Society Yes, providing the requirements under section 5.4.7 are satisfied.
Ecology Building Society Local authority searches.

A Council (official) search is acceptable.

A Regulated (formally personal) search is permitted, provided that:
• searches are carried out in accordance with the Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board; and
• the search agency has adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance.
Family Building Soc (a trading name of National Counties BS) Yes. Search firm must subscribe to the Search Code, monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
First Direct Yes, provided the firm is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO), has adequate professional indemnity insurance and states that it complies with the Code of Practice for Search Compliers and Retailers.
Fleet Mortgages Personal Searches in respect of local authority searches are acceptable provided the search firm subscribes to the Search Code, is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO) and provided that an unqualified Certificate of Title is provided by the conveyancer.
Foundation Home Loans Yes, subject to the requirements set out in Part 1 and provided you give an unqualified Certificate of Title. You must ensure that the search agent subscribes to the Search Code maintained by the Council of Property Search Organisations and monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
Furness Building Society Yes, subject to the solicitor ensuring adequate indemnity insurance is in place. The search code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board only.
GE Money Home Lending Ltd GE Money Home Lending has withdrawn from the UK mortgage market.
Gen H Yes, provided the search agent has adequate professional indemnity insurance and is a member of an appropriate trade body that has agreed to abide with The Property Ombudsman scheme
Godiva Mortgages Ltd Yes, provided the Search Agent subscribes to the Search Code, monitored by the PCCB.
Habito Yes, provided the firm is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO), has adequate professional indemnity insurance and states that it complies with the Code of Practice for Search Compliers and Retailers.
Halifax Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
Halifax Loans Ltd Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
Hampden & Co. plc Yes, provided they are undertaken by a reputable search agent who has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
Handelsbanken Yes, provided that the search agent has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
Harpenden Building Society Yes, where time does not permit an official search, and where the following conditions are met;
• A reputable search provider is used who has adequate professional indemnity insurance that covers successors in title without limitation.
• The firm is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations and subscribes to the Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
• and you can still give a clear certificate of Title.
• The requirements under sections 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 of Part 1 can still be met
The conveyancer does so at his own risk.
Hinckley and Rugby Building Society Not for House Purchase Mortgages. Acceptable for remortgage loans only and subject to your own risk, provided that the Personal Search company is registered under the Independent Property Codes Compliance Board, ensuring that they comply with the Search Code monitored by the PCCB, and the appropriate indemnity is in place.

1 June 2021 - 30 June 2021
The Society will accept Personal Searches on House Purchase Mortgages during the above period only. The searches must be carried out by a firm regulated under the PCCB Board, ensuring the appropriate Indemnity cover is in place.
Hodge Yes provided:
i) that the requirements of 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 are satisfied,
ii) an unqualified certificate of title is given to us and,
iii) the conveyancer does so at his own risk.

Also the search firm used must be registered under The Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB).
Hodge Equity Release Yes provided:
i) that the requirements of 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 are satisfied,
ii) an unqualified certificate of title is given to us and,
iii) the conveyancer does so at his own risk.

Also the search firm used must be registered under The Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB).
Holmesdale Building Society yes as an exception when covered by suitable insurance indemnity and providing cover extends to purchasers lenders.

For personal serach carried out by firms registered under particular code of practice we accept searched carried out in accordance with the Search Code monitored by the PCCB.
HSBC UK Bank plc Yes, provided the firm is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO), has adequate professional indemnity insurance and states that it complies with the Code of Practice for Search Compilers and Retailers.
Intelligent Finance Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
Investec Bank plc No.
ITL Mortgages Yes - provided the Search Agent subscribe to the Search Code, monitored by the PCCB
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Yes provided the firm is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations and subscribes to the Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board and also that the requirements under sections 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 of Part 1 are met.

Kensington Mortgage Company Ltd Yes, at the Conveyancer’s own risk and subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 and provided that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman Scheme:
Kent Reliance (a trading name of OneSavings Bank plc) Personal Searches are acceptable provided the search firm subscribes to the Search Code as monitored and regulated by the Property Codes Compliance Board and provided that an unqualified Certificate of Title is provided.
Keystone Property Finance No
Landbay Partners Limited Yes, at the Conveyancers own risk and the requirements listed in Part 1 of this Handbook are met.


• Backed by minimum £2 million Professional Indemnity Insurance. The gross loan must be below the limit of indemnity.
• The search provider must subscribe to the search code as monitored and regulated by the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB) and is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO).
• An unqualified Certificate of Title is provided by the conveyancer.
• The requirements under sections 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 of Part 1 are met.
• The borrower is fully aware that a personal search is being carried out and any limitations are explained in full.
• The policy of insurance must cover both the lender and the borrower.
Landmark Mortgages Limited Yes, but the conveyancer does so at their own risk.
Leeds Building Society Yes, provided that:

• searches are carried out in accordance with the Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board;
• the search agency has adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance;
• the requirements listed in Part 1 (paragraph 5.4.7) are satisfied; and
• you give an unqualified Certificate of Title.
Legal & General Home Finance Ltd The search agency must have adequate professional indemnity insurance and you must be able to provide an unqualified certificate of title.
LendInvest No
LiveMore Capital No, we do not accept personal searches
Lloyds Bank plc pre fixed 20/40 Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
Lloyds Bank plc pre fixed 50/30/77 Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
Lloyds TSB Scotland plc Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
M&S Bank Yes, provided the firm is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO), has adequate indemnity insurance and states that it complies with the Search Code
Magellan Homeloans Yes, provided they are undertaken by a reputable search agent who has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give an unqualified Certificate of Title.

In addition, you may accept Chancel Repair Insurance on our behalf without referral, if you are satisfied that it provides adequate protection.

Manchester Building Society Yes, subject to firms complying with their own procedures and indemnity cover
Market Harborough Building Society Yes
Masthaven Bank Yes, provided that the search firm subscribes to the Search Code as monitored and regulated by the Property Codes Compliance Board, that the requirements listed in Part 1 of the Handbook are met, and that you give an unqualified Certificate of Title.
Metro Bank plc Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is registered under The Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
ModaMortgages Personal searches are acceptable provided the search firm subscribes to the Search Code as monitored and regulated by the Property Codes Compliance Board and provided that an unqualified Certificate of Title is provided.
Molo Finance For regulated home mortgages – No.

For Buy to Let mortgages- Yes, provided the firm is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO), has adequate professional indemnity insurance and states that it complies with the Code of Practice for Search Compliers and Retailers.
Monmouthshire Building Society Personal searches must satisfy the requirements of paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8.
Lending Operations Department
Monmouthshire Building Society
Monmouthshire House
John Frost Square
NP20 1PX
Mortgage Agency Services No
Mortgage Express Only personal searches carried out in accordance with the Search Code monitored by the PCCB.
Mortgage Express No 2  
MPowered Mortgages Remortgages:
Personal searches in respect of local authority searches are acceptable for remortgages (excluding properties £1 million or more, Houses in Multiple Occupation or Multi-Unit Blocks) provided the search firm used subscribes to the Search Code and is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO).
The search providers must have indemnity insurance cover that covers successors in title without limitation and the conveyancers must provide an unqualified Certificate of Title.

Personal Searches are not acceptable for purchases.
National Counties Building Society Yes. Search firm must subscribe to the Search Code, monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
National Westminster Bank plc Yes, provided that the search agent has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
Nationwide Building Society Yes providing the requirements under sections 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 in Part 1 are satisfied. If you intend on using a personal search then please be aware that this will be at your own risk. However, we recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search are registered with a relevant trade association, have an appropriate level of insurance (the policy must cover both the Lender and the borrower) and are members of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme.
You must ensure that the borrower is fully aware that a personal search is being carried out and any limitations are explained in full.

If there is a possibility of chancel repair liability:
No liability registered at Land Registry and the property has been transferred for valuable consideration since 13 October 2013 – no indemnity insurance required.
Properties being registered for the first time or first transfer for valuable consideration since 13 October 2013 - indemnity insurance is required to protect us (see paragraph 9 parts 1 and 2 for our requirements).

If there is known chancel repair liability:
We will require indemnity insurance to be in place. If there is no policy and one will not be obtained where there is a known risk, please refer the details to us including details of how many properties are subject to the liability.

Please ensure that all lender enquiries are submitted (with full documentation/requirements) at least 2 weeks prior to exchange to allow sufficient time for review and decisioning.
Nedbank Private Wealth Ltd We do not accept personal searches.
New Street Mortgages No, we do not accept all personal searches without limitations. Our requirements as to personal searches are as set out in paragraphs 5.4.7 bullet one and two of Part 1. Personal searches are carried out at the solicitors' own risk provided adequate insurance is in place.
NRAM Ltd Yes, but the conveyancer does so at their own risk.
Paragon Buy to Let Mortgages No
Paragon Residential Owner-Occupied Mortgages No.
Paratus AMC Ltd Yes, subject to the requirements set out in Part 1 and provided you give an unqualified Certificate of Title. You must ensure that the search agent subscribes to the Search Code maintained by the Council of Property Search Organisations and monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
Parity Trust No
Pepper Money We do not accept personal searches
Pepper Money (PUK) No
Perenna Yes, if they are undertaken by a reputable search agent who subscribes to the search code, as monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board, is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations, has adequate professional indemnity insurance and where you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
Platform (a trading name of The Co-operative Bank p.l.c.) We only accept personal searches carried out by firms regulated under The Search Code, monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
Precise Mortgages (Charter Court Financial Services Ltd) Personal Searches are acceptable provided the search firm subscribes to the Search Code as monitored and regulated by the Property Codes Compliance Board and provided that an unqualified Certificate of Title is provided.
Principality Building Society Yes provided:
i) that the requirements of 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 are satisfied,
ii) an unqualified certificate of title is given to us and,
iii) the conveyancer does so at his own risk.

Also the search firm used must be registered under The Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB).
Reliance Bank Ltd Yes provided the company used to provide the searches have indemnity cover of £1,000,000
Rooftop Mortgages Ltd Yes provided the firm is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations and subscribes to the Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board and also that the requirements under sections 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 of Part 1 are met.

Saffron Building Society Yes, at the Conveyancer’s own risk and subject to the requirements set out in paragraph 5.4.7 of Part 1 of the Handbook. It is recommended that the firm subscribes to the Search Code, monitored by the Property Code Compliance Board
Sainsbury's Bank Yes, so long as the conditions set out in section 5.4.7 of Part 1 are satisfied.
Santander UK plc Yes- subject to the following.

Search firm must subscribe to the Search Code, monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
Scottish Building Society Yes, provided that: searches are carried out in accordance with the Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board, the search agency has adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance, the requirements listed in Part 1 of this handbook (paragraph 5.4.7) are satisfied; and you give an unqualified Certificate of Title.
Scottish Widows Bank Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
Secure Trust Bank PLC Yes, subject to the requirements set out in paragraph 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 of Part 1. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is registered under The Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board.
Skipton Building Society Yes, at your risk, if time does not permit an official search.
St James Place Bank  
State Bank of India UK No.
Swansea Building Society Yes - provided the search firm subscribes to the Search Code and is monitored by the PCCB
The Mortgage Business Yes, subject to paragraphs 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. We recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search is a member of an appropriate trade body, with established standards; has adequate insurance in place and is a member of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme
The Mortgage Lender Limited Yes, provided the search agent has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
The Mortgage Works Yes, providing the requirements under section 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 in Part 1 are satisfied.
If you intend on using a personal search then please be aware that this will be at your own risk. However, we recommend that any firm carrying out a personal search are registered with a relevant trade association, have an appropriate level of insurance (the policy must cover both the Lender and the borrower) and are members of an industry trade body that abide by the Property Ombudsman scheme.
You must ensure that the borrower is fully aware that a personal search is being carried out and any limitations are explained in full

If there is a possibility of chancel repair liability:
No liability registered at Land Registry and the property has been transferred for valuable consideration since 13 October 2013 - no indemnity insurance required.
Properties being registered for the first time or first transfer for valuable consideration since 13 October 2013 - indemnity insurance is required to protect us (see paragraph 9 parts 1 and 2 for our requirements).
If there is known chancel repair liability:
We will require indemnity insurance to be in place. If there is no policy and one will not be obtained where there is a known risk, please refer details back to us including the number of properties that are subject to the liability.

Please ensure that all lender enquiries are submitted (with full documentation/requirements) at least 2 weeks prior to exchange to allow sufficient time for review and decisioning.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Yes, provided that the search agent has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Direct Line Mortgages Yes, provided that the search agent has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Direct Line One Yes, provided that the search agent has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear certificate of Title.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc First Active Yes, provided the search agent has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Natwest one Account Yes, provided that the search agent has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear certificate of Title.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc One Account Yes, provided that the search agent has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Virgin One Yes, provided that the search agent has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
The Tipton & Coseley Building Society Search firm must subscribe to the Search Code, monitored by PCCB.
Together Personal Finance Limited Yes as long as the conditions set out in 5.4.7 of Part 1 are satisfied.
Topaz Finance Ltd The Search Code monitored by the PCCB.
TSB Bank plc We accept personal searches carried out by qualified agents with suitable indemnity insurance.
Ulster Bank Yes, provided that the search agent has adequate professional indemnity insurance and you can still give a clear Certificate of Title.
Vida Homeloans No
Virgin Money Yes, but the conveyancer does so at their own risk.
Whistletree (a trading name of TSB Bank plc) We accept personal searches carried out by qualified agents with suitable indemnity insurance
Yorkshire Bank Home Loans Ltd Yes provided the firm is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations and subscribes to the Search Code monitored by the Property Codes Compliance Board and also that the requirements under sections 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 of Part 1 are met.
Yorkshire Building Society Yes, these are acceptable provided 1) the search firm subscribes to the Search Code as monitored and regulated by the Property Codes Compliance Baord (PCCB) 2) the requirements listed in Part 1 of this Handbook being met and 3) you give an unqualified Certificate of Title.
Zephyr Homeloans Personal Searches are permitted. The firm instructing the search must ensure that the search provider complies with the Search Code, is registered with the Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO), and has adequate indemnity insurance.