Answers for England and Wales

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Question: 5.20.3. Does the lender have additional requirements relating to leases of roof space for solar PV panels, and if so, what are they?

Lender Answer
Accord Buy to Let Yes. Please ensure that the requisite break clause includes a provision that, where the lender terminates the lease, the costs of removing the solar PV panels and making good any damage are expressly the responsibility of the solar PV provider.
Accord Mortgages Ltd Yes. Please ensure that the requisite break clause includes a provision that, where the lender terminates the lease, the costs of removing the solar PV panels and making good any damage are expressly the responsibility of the solar PV provider.
Adam & Company  
Adam & Company International  
Ahli United Bank (UK) plc Please refer to Central Administration Unit
Aldermore Bank PLC You must notify us of the existence of a lease of the roof space and provide the name of the tenant (see 1.11a for contact details). Do not proceed until we have confirmed that you may do so. We do not require a copy of the lease.

For post completion requests, the borrower should be advised to ask the energy provider to correspond with Aldermore at the address shown in 14.2.1, using the CML/BSA template letter.
Allied Irish Bank (GB), a trading name of AIB Group (UK) No
April Mortgages The minimum UK Finance requirements must be met. For post completion requests, the borrower should be advised to ask the energy provider to correspond directly with April mortgages using the UK Finance minimum requirements template.
Atom Bank plc Not applicable. See 5.20.1.
Aviva Equity Release UK Ltd Yes - the lease must generally be compliant with UK Finance guidelines and in any event the terms must comply with Aviva's current requirements. Contact point in 1.11 for further guidance on our requirements.
Bank of China See 5.20.1.
Bank of Ireland (UK) plc No.
Bank of Ireland as Bank of Ireland Mortgages No.
Bank of Scotland Beginning A  
Bank of Scotland Beginning O  
Bank of Scotland Private Banking  
Barclays Bank UK PLC No
Barnsley Building Soc, a trading name Yorkshire Building Soc Yes.Please ensure that the requisite break clause includes a provision that, where the lender terminates the lease, the costs of removing the solar PV panels and making good any damage are expressly the responsibility of the solar PV provider.
Better HomeOwnership (Mortgages) We do not accept properties with leased solar panels
Birmingham Bank N/A
Birmingham Midshires  
Bluestone Mortgages No. We accept properties where solar panels have been installed and are subject to a lease agreement that is in line with UK Finance Requirements and also has a break clause for mortgagee in possession within the contract.
Bradford & Bingley Limited  
Britannia, a trading name of The Co-operative Bank plc Yes. Please also ensure that we have an unconditional right to break the lease in the event of possession.
Buckinghamshire Building Society Yes. We will as a minimum require the right to break the lease should the society repossess the property.
Chelsea Building Society (a trading name of Yorkshire BS) Yes. Please ensure that the requisite break clause includes a provision that, where the lender terminates the lease, the costs of removing the solar PV panels and making good any damage are expressly the responsibility of the solar PV provider.
CHL Mortgages Please refer to the lender on each loan for any additional requirements
Clydesdale Bank plc You must notify us of the existence of a lease of the roof space and provide the name of the tenant (see 1.11a for contact details). Do not proceed until we have confirmed that you may do so. We do not require a copy of the lease.
Co-operative Bank plc Yes. Please also ensure that we have an unconditional right to break the lease in the event of possession.
Coutts Finance Co  
Coventry Building Society Yes, the minimum handbook requirements must be met. In addition the lease must contain a valid mortgagee break right which is exercisable on possession. The cost of removing the equipment and making good any damage must be met by the Tenant. The mortgagee will not be liable for any breach of the Landlord's covenants before or during the repossession period or any loss of income caused as a result of disconnection of the electricity supply. Please arrange for a Deed of Variation to be entered into on or before completion to ensure our requirements are met. If this is not possible advise the applicants and us that the requirements cannot be met and the case cannot proceed.
Cynergy Bank No.
Danske Bank We do not accept properties where solar panels have been installed and are subject to a lease agreement.

However, please notify us at the contact point at 1.11 if the solar panels have been installed at the property and the panels are owned outright by the seller or the borrower.
Darlington Building Society The installer must be certified by the Microgeneration Certification Scheme, a copy certificate should be provided.
We require sight of all planning permissions and structural surveys.
DB UK Bank Ltd The minimum CML requirements must be met. For post completion requests, the borrower should be advised to ask the energy provider to correspond with db mortgages at db mortgages, PO Box 890,Newport,NP20 9LZ using the CML minimum requirements template
Dudley Building Society The minimum CML/UK Finance requirements must be met.
Ecology Building Society Where a Lease of Rights is requested in respect of installation of solar panels, the provider/homeowner must seek consent from the Society.
For re-mortgage cases evidence of the lease must be provided.
Family Building Soc (a trading name of National Counties BS) Yes. The additional requirements are (1) that the buildings insurer has been notified of the installation of the solar panel equipment; (2) that all appropriate consents referred to in paragraph 5 of the UK Finance template letter have been obtained; and (3) a copy of the solar panel lease is provided to us on completion together with the title deeds. See 1.11a for contact details.
First Direct We will only consent to a new lease of roof space where the UK Finance minimum requirements are met. We require confirmation of compliance using the UKF template letter where our consent is required to register a lease of roof space. We do not require a copy of the lease.
Fleet Mortgages Please see 5.20.1 above.
Foundation Home Loans Yes. Please also ensure that we have an unconditional right to break the lease in the event of possession and that the costs of removing the solar PV panels and making good any damage are expressly the responsibility of the solar PV provider.
Furness Building Society Please contact the Securities Department as 5.20.1
GE Money Home Lending Ltd GE Money Home Lending has withdrawn from the UK mortgage market.
Gen H The registered lease of roof space must meet the UKF minimum standards.
If the lease does not meet the UKF minimum standards and you are unable to agree a variation to ensure the lease meets the UKF minimum requirements, the case cannot proceed and you should advise the applicants and us.

We do not require a copy of the lease.
Godiva Mortgages Ltd Yes, the minimum handbook requirements must be met. In addition the lease must contain a valid mortgagee break right which is exercisable on possession. The cost of removing the equipment and making good any damage must be met by the Tenant. The mortgagee will not be liable for any breach of the Landlord's covenants before or during the repossession period or any loss of income caused as a result of disconnection of the electricity supply.Please arrange for a Deed of Variation to be entered into on or before completion to ensure our requirements are met. If this is not possible advise the applicants and us that the requirements cannot be met and the case cannot proceed.
Habito Accepted, The minimum UK Finance requirements must be met and providing no lease agreement exists.
Halifax Loans Ltd  
Hampden & Co. plc Yes. Please ensure that the requisite break clause includes a provision that, where the lender terminates the lease, the costs of removing the solar PV panels and making good any damage are expressly the responsibility of the solar PV provider.
Handelsbanken Yes. Please ensure that the requisite break clause includes a provision that, where the lender terminates the lease, the costs of removing the solar PV panels and making good any damage are expressly the responsibility of the solar PV provider.
Harpenden Building Society You must notify us of the existence of a lease of the roof space and provide the name of the tenant (see 1.11a for contact details). Do not proceed until we have confirmed that you may do so.
Hinckley and Rugby Building Society The minimum CML requirements must be met.
For post-completion requests, the borrower must be advised to instruct the energy provider to write to Principal Office, Completions Team using the CML minimum requirements template.
Hodge The minimum UK Finance requirements must be met. In addition, the lease must provide a valid mortgagee break clause which can be exercised on possession. The costs of removing the Solar PV Panels and making good any damage on exercise of the break clause must be the responsibility of the Solar PV Panels provider.
If the lease does not meet the minimum requirements referred to above we will not lend but please advise us if this is the case so we may close our file.
You must not submit your Certificate of Title to us unless you are satisfied that UK Finance's minimum requirements have been satisfied.

Hodge Equity Release The minimum UK Finance requirements must be met. In addition, the lease must provide a valid mortgagee break clause which can be exercised on possession. The costs of removing the Solar PV Panels and making good any damage on exercise of the break clause must be the responsibility of the Solar PV Panels provider.
If the lease does not meet the minimum requirements referred to above we will not lend but please advise us if this is the case so we may close our file.
You must not submit your Certificate of Title to us unless you are satisfied that UK Finance's minimum requirements have been satisfied.
Holmesdale Building Society No we use the CML minimum requirements.
HSBC UK Bank plc We will only consent to a new lease of roof space where the UK Finance minimum requirements are met. We require confirmation of compliance using the UKF template letter where our consent is required to register a lease of roof space.

We do not require a copy of the lease.

Intelligent Finance  
Investec Bank plc No.
ITL Mortgages Yes, the minimum handbook requirements must be met. In addition the lease must contain a valid mortgagee break right which is exercisable on possession. The cost of removing the equipment and making good any damage must be met by the Tenant. The mortgagee will not be liable for any breach of the Landlord's covenants before or during the repossession period or any loss of income caused as a result of disconnection of the electricity supply.Please arrange for a Deed of Variation to be entered into on or before completion to ensure our requirements are met. If this is not possible advise the applicants and us that the requirements cannot be met and the case cannot proceed.
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.  
Kensington Mortgage Company Ltd Kensington will not lend on a property subject to a lease of the roof space/air space for solar PV panels unless the lease meets Kensington's minimum requirements and the solar panel enters into a deed of agreement with Kensington. Please ensure that you seek to obtain our consent to the lease at the earliest opportunity and, in any event, prior to exchange of contracts. If the terms of the lease and/or deed of agreement cannot be agreed, then any mortgage offer may be withdrawn. You should ensure that your client is fully aware of this.
Kent Reliance (a trading name of OneSavings Bank plc) No additional requirements, we are happy to lend provided the UK Finance Minimum Requirements are met.
Keystone Property Finance N/A
Landbay Partners Limited See 5.20.1.
Landmark Mortgages Limited Yes,
1. The terms of the insurance policy under which the solar panel equipment is insured must:
a) cover loss arising from any damage to the Property or any damage to third party property or third party injury caused by the installation of the equipment;
b) cover loss arising from any damage to the Property or any damage to third party property or injury caused by defects in the equipment;
c) have a minimum amount of cover of £2,000,000.00;
d) contain no onerous or unreasonable exclusions;
e) have an excess not exceeding £250.00

2. The consent of the buildings insurer must be obtained to the installation of the equipment.

3. Where the Property is leasehold the written consent of the immediate landlord must be obtained to the installation of the equipment.

4. The solar panel lease must contain a reference to the Landlord's warning notice, a reference to the Tenant's statutory declaration and the parties' agreement that sections 24 to 28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 are to be excluded.
Leeds Building Society The minimum UK Finance requirements must be met. In addition, the lease must provide a valid mortgagee break clause which can be exercised on possession. The costs of removing the Solar PV Panels and making good any damage on exercise of the break clause must be the responsibility of the Solar PV Panels provider.
The building insurer must also be notified of the installation of the Solar PV Panels.
Legal & General Home Finance Ltd The lease must comply with our own requirements.
LendInvest Please see 5.20.1 above
LiveMore Capital We will lend on a security with an Airspace Lease providing it meets the minimum requirements set out in section 5.20.1 of this Handbook or where the panels are owned as freehold. Other arrangements are not acceptable.
Lloyds Bank plc pre fixed 20/40  
Lloyds Bank plc pre fixed 50/30/77  
Lloyds TSB Scotland plc  
M&S Bank You must notify us of the existence of a lease of the roof space and contact us for further instructions at M&S Bank, PO Box 12, Skipton, BD23 2HL. Telephone Number 0345 002 1128 Fax 0345 111 0322. we require a copy of the lease for information purposes
Magellan Homeloans Yes. Please ensure that the requisite break clause includes a provision that, where the lender terminates the lease, the costs of removing the solar PV panels and making good any damage are expressly the responsibility of the solar PV provider.
Market Harborough Building Society If the property is subject to a registered lease of roof space for solar pv panels we require you to confirm that the lease contains a valid mortgagee break right which is capable of exercising by us in the event of a repossession.

Where the property is leasehold confirmation must be obtained from the landlord that they have provided their consent to the installation of the equipment.

Confirmation from the borrower that they have advised their buildings insurance company of the installation of the equipment.
Masthaven Bank Yes, as follows:
- Building Regulation approval and, where applicable, planning permission, must be in place.
- The maximum term granted by the FIT lease is 30 years.
- There must be adequate insurance arrangements.
- The borrower obligation to pay for repairs to the PV panels must not exceed £60 p.a.
- The borrower must be allowed to remove the panels (without penalty) to do repairs.
- The borrower must not require consent to extend/alter the property.
- A mortgagee in possession must be able to break the lease on 2 months' minimum notice if it reasonably believes the presence of the PV panels is adversely affecting its ability to sell the property (or is likely to do so). In such circumstances, the FIT generator must remove the equipment at its own expense.
Metro Bank plc As per 5.20.1
ModaMortgages Where the property has solar or photovoltaic panels affixed to it, you agree to adhere to the terms of any agreement you have in respect of such solar panels and will keep these in good repair and condition in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Molo Finance Not applicable. Please see answer to 5.20.1.
Monmouthshire Building Society If the property is subject to a registered lease of roof space for solar pv panels we require you to confirm that the lease contains a valid mortgagee break right which is capable of exercising by us in the event of a repossession.

Where the property is leasehold confirmation must be obtained from the landlord that they have provided their consent to the installation of the equipment.

Confirmation from the borrower that they have advised their buildings insurance company of the installation of the equipment.

We require a letter from the PV Panel Provider as per the CML/BSA template letter March 2013 edition.
Mortgage Agency Services Yes. Please also ensure that we have an unconditional right to break the lease in the event of possession.
Mortgage Express  
MPowered Mortgages No
National Counties Building Society Yes. The additional requirements are (1) that the buildings insurer has been notified of the installation of the solar panel equipment; (2) that all appropriate consents referred to in paragraph 5 of the UK Finance template letter have been obtained; and (3) a copy of the solar panel lease is provided to us on completion together with the title deeds. See 1.11a for contact details.
National Westminster Bank plc No.
Nationwide Building Society The minimum UK Finance requirements must be met. For post completion requests, the borrower should be advised to ask the energy provider to correspond with Nationwide, Mortgage Servicing DX12500 using the UK Finance minimum requirements template.

Nedbank Private Wealth Ltd You must refer to us.
New Street Mortgages New Street will not lend on a property subject to a lease of the roof space/air space for solar PV panels unless the lease meets New Street's minimum requirements and the solar panel enters into a deed of agreement with New Street. Please ensure that you seek to obtain our consent to the lease at the earliest opportunity and, in any event, prior to exchange of contracts. If the terms of the lease and/or deed of agreement cannot be agreed, then any mortgage offer may be withdrawn. You should ensure that your client is fully aware of this.
NRAM Ltd Yes.
1.The terms of the insurance policy under which the solar panel equipment is insured must;
(a)cover loss arising from any damage to the Property or any damage to the third party property or third party injury caused by the installation of the equipment;
(b)cover loss arising from any damage to the Property or any damage to third party property or injury caused by defects in the equipment;
(c) have a minimum amount of cover of £2,000,000.00;
(d)contain no onerous or unreasonable exclusions;
(e) have an excess not exceeding £250.00

2. The consent of the buildings insurer must be obtained to the installation of the equipment.

3. Where the Property is leasehold the written consent of the immediate landlord must be obtained in the installation of the equipment.

4. The solar panel lease must contain a reference to the Landlord's warning notice, a reference to the Tenant's statutory declaration and the parties' agreement that sections 24 to 28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 are to be excluded.
Paragon Buy to Let Mortgages Yes, the minimum UK Finance Lenders’ Handbook requirements must be met and in addition:
1. Any rights exercisable by the lender must also be exercisable by any successors in title or any future lender
2. The lease must contain a valid mortgagee break clause which is exercisable should the lender
exercise its powers and take the property into possession
3. The cost of removing the equipment and making good any damage must expressly be the responsibility of the Tenant
4. The lender must not be liable for any breach of any Landlord’s covenants before or during the period of repossession or for any loss of income caused as a result of disconnection
5. The lease must not be detrimental or onerous to the lender’s security
6. All necessary consents, approvals and certificates must be sent to the lender with the deeds together with a copy of the lease
7. Please arrange for the lease terms to be varied by way of a deed of variation on or before completion to ensure that our requirements are met
8. Please ensure that the borrower is informed that if our requirements cannot be met, that we will not proceed
If the request is made post completion, these requirements must be met before we will consent.
Paragon Residential Owner-Occupied Mortgages Yes, the minimum UK Finance Lenders’ Handbook requirements must be met and in addition:
1. Any rights exercisable by the lender must also be exercisable by any successors in title or any future lender
2. The lease must contain a valid mortgagee break clause which is exercisable should the lender exercise its powers and take the property into possession
3. The cost of removing the equipment and making good any damage must expressly be the responsibility of the Tenant
4. The lender must not be liable for any breach of any Landlord’s covenants before or during the period of repossession or for any loss of income caused as a result of disconnection
5. The lease must not be detrimental or onerous to the lender’s security
6. All necessary consents, approvals and certificates must be sent to the lender with the deeds together with a copy of the lease
7. Please arrange for the lease terms to be varied by way of a deed of variation on or before completion to ensure that our requirements are met
8. Please ensure that the borrower is informed that if our requirements cannot be met, that we will not proceed
If the request is made post completion, these requirements must be met before we will consent.
Paratus AMC Ltd Yes. Please also ensure that we have an unconditional right to break the lease in the event of possession and that the costs of removing the solar PV panels and making good any damage are expressly the responsibility of the solar PV provider.
Parity Trust Refer to 1.7
Pepper Money Yes, we require an unconditional right to break the lease in event of possession. If we break the lease, the lease must include an obligation and responsibility upon the solar panel provider, entirely at their own cost and expense to remove the solar panels and make good any damage incurred to the Residential Property or Properties as a result.
Pepper Money (PUK) Pepper Money does not accept properties where solar panels have been installed and are subject to a lease agreement. Please notify us at the contact point at 1.11 if solar panels have been installed at the property and the panels are owned outright by the seller or the borrower.
Perenna We will consider properties with solar panels where the applicant(s) are funding the
purchase of panels themselves or via additional borrowing, providing they are doing so without creating any long-term lease arrangement with the panel provider.

Solar panels will be acceptable in the following circumstances:

o Where the solar panels are bought outright.
o We will not lend on a property where the panel provider is supplying and fitting panels free of charge, is taking income from the grid tariff scheme, and is creating a long-term lease against the roof and roof air space.

However, where an adequate break clause (of 6 months or less) within the lease is present Perenna will consider the acceptability if there is no impact to resale ability.
Platform (a trading name of The Co-operative Bank p.l.c.) Yes. Please also ensure that we have an unconditional right to break the lease in the event of possession.
Precise Mortgages (Charter Court Financial Services Ltd) No additional requirements, we are happy to lend provided the UK Finance Minimum Requirements are met.
Principality Building Society See UK Finance's minimum requirements on the UK Finance website.
If the lease does not meet the minimum requirements referred to above we will not lend but please advise us if this is the case so we may close our file.

You must not submit your Certificate of Title to us unless you are satisfied that UK Finance's minimum requirements have been satisfied.

Post completion requests are subject to different criteria and should be referred to the Mortgage Admin Team at the address detailed in 1.11a
Reliance Bank Ltd We do not lend where property has solar panelswhere they ae leased
Rooftop Mortgages Ltd  
Saffron Building Society The UK Finance Minimum Requirements must be met.
Sainsbury's Bank Yes. Please ensure that the requisite break clause includes a provision that, where the lender terminates the lease, the costs of removing the solar PV panels and making good any damage are expressly the responsibility of the solar PV provider.
Santander UK plc You must notify the Mortgage Operations office instructing you of the existence of a lease of the roof space and provide the name of the tenant.
Scottish Building Society The minimum UK Finance requirements must be met. In addition, the lease must provide a valid mortgage break clause which can be exercised on possession. The costs of removing the Solar PV Panels and making good any damage on exercise of the break clause must be the responsibility of the Solar PV Panels provider. The building insurer must also be notified of the installation of the Solar PV Panels.
Scottish Widows Bank  
Secure Trust Bank PLC You must notify us of the existence of a lease of the roof space and provide the name of the tenant (see 1.11a for contact details). Do not proceed until we have confirmed that you may do so. We do not require a copy of the lease.

For post completion requests, the borrower should be advised to ask the energy provider to correspond with the Bank at the address shown in 14.2.1, using the CML/BSA template letter.
Skipton Building Society Yes, these will be notified if necessary when a roof lease is reported to us. If you become aware of a roof lease, please do not proceed further without our specific instructions.
State Bank of India UK N/A ? see answer to 5.20.1.
Swansea Building Society No
The Mortgage Business  
The Mortgage Lender Limited The minimum UK Finance requirements must be met. In addition, the lease must provide a valid mortgagee break clause which can be exercised on possession. The costs of removing the Solar PV Panels and making good any damage on exercise of the break clause must be the responsibility of the Solar PV Panels provider.
The building insurer must also be notified of the installation of the Solar PV Panels.
The Mortgage Works The minimum CML requirements must be met. For post completion requests the borrower should be advised to ask the energy provider to correspond with TMW Mortgage Servicing Portman House Richmond Hill Bournemouth BH2 6EP using the UKF requirements template
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc No
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Direct Line Mortgages No.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Direct Line One We require you to obtain confirmation of the existing lender's consent.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc First Active No.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Natwest one Account No.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc One Account No.
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Virgin One No.
The Tipton & Coseley Building Society Yes - please contact on an individual basis.
Together Personal Finance Limited Yes - standard letter to be signed by Solar Panel Company and will be provided on request.
Topaz Finance Ltd  
TSB Bank plc You must notify us of the existence of a lease of the roof space and provide the name of the tenant (see 1.11a for contact details). Do not proceed until we have confirmed that you may do so. We do not require a copy of the lease.
Ulster Bank We require you to obtain confirmation of the existing lender's consent.
Vida Homeloans You must notify us of the existence of a lease of the roof space and provide the name of the tenant (see 1.11a for contact details). Do not proceed until we have confirmed that you may do so. We do not require a copy of the lease.
Virgin Money We need you to confirm in writing that the lease contains a valid mortgagee break right, which we can exercise if we take possession of the property. Send this confirmation to:

Mortgage Processing
Virgin Money
Newcastle upon Tyne
Solicitor Helpline: 0845 604 4858
Solicitor Email:
Whistletree (a trading name of TSB Bank plc) Yes,
1. The terms of the insurance policy under which the solar panel equipment is insured must:
a) cover loss arising from any damage to the Property or any damage to third party property or third party injury caused by the installation of the equipment;
b) cover loss arising from any damage to the Property or any damage to third party property or injury caused by defects in the equipment;
c) have a minimum amount of cover of £2,000,000.00;
d) contain no onerous or unreasonable exclusions;
e) have an excess not exceeding £250.00

2. The consent of the buildings insurer must be obtained to the installation of the equipment.

3. Where the Property is leasehold the written consent of the immediate landlord must be obtained to the installation of the equipment.

4. The solar panel lease must contain a reference to the Landlord's warning notice, a reference to the Tenant's statutory declaration and the parties' agreement that sections 24 to 28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 are to be excluded.
Yorkshire Bank Home Loans Ltd You must notify us of the existence of a lease of the roof space and provide the name of the tenant (see 1.11a for contact details). Do not proceed until we have confirmed that you may do so. We do not require a copy of the lease.
Yorkshire Building Society Yes. Please ensure that the requisite break clause includes a provision that, where a lender terminates the lease, the costs of removing the solar PV panels and making good any damage are expressly the responsibility of the solar PV provider.
Zephyr Homeloans